Dr.Ali Mahyoub Muhammad Al-Burahi
Personal data: Name: Ali Mahyoub Muhammad Al-Burahi Academic degree: Associate Professor, Faculty of Information, Sana’a University Specialization: Media (radio, television, journalism) Beginning of academic work in 2004 Births: 1974 AD, Yemen – Taiz National language: Arabic, and English as a supporting language summary: Associate Professor and researcher in media and communication, a consultant in the field of human development and the knowledge economy, and a national expert in advocacy, preparing strategies and policy papers, and the governance of media institutions. A trainer in communication skills, capacity building, investigative journalism, and conflict-sensitive journalism. Education: Doctorate in Media – Radio and Television -, a thesis entitled “The Impact of the Yemeni Public’s Reception of Incoming Satellite Channels on Local Television” – College of Information – University of Baghdad – Iraq 2003 Master’s degree in Mass Communication, a thesis entitled “Media Campaigns in the Right-Wing Press for the 1997 Parliamentary Elections” – Department of Media – University of Baghdad – Iraq 1999 Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from the University of Baghdad in 1996 Of Experience: : Academic and administrative experiences Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication, Sana’a University, since 2014 AD Deputy Dean of the College of Media for Student Affairs at Sana’a University from 2012 to 2014 Head of the Department of Journalism and Media at the University of Modern Sciences 2009 Head of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Unit, Faculty of Information, Sana’a University, 2008 Director of the Communication Skills Development Center for Specialized Training at the New Ideas Marketing Foundation Coordinator and representative of the Faculty of Media at the University Education Development Center 2009 Coordinator of the Faculty of Media at the Distance Education Center 2012 National expert and head of the CEDAW preparation team (eighth national report) on the level of implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Yemen 2012 Main coordinator with Inter News International Network Coordinator of the College of Media with the IMS organization to create and design the website for the College of Media, Sana’a University The College of Mass Communication coordinated with the Dutch Radio and the IMS organization to provide the college with an FM experiences University level: Sana’a University: radio device for the purpose of practical training for students. The college was provided with the required radio. Teaching a course on radio and television techniques Teaching the news editing arts course Teaching the course on news and its sources. Teaching a journalistic editing course Teaching the Yemeni media course Teaching graduation project -Graduate Studies Art Criticism and Aesthetics for Masters Diploma documentary – Supervised and discussed many scientific theses – Supervised and discussed many graduation projects Consulting – Consultant for many specialized research centers – Advisor to the Yemeni Youth and Change Priorities Program (reference document), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Sana’a – March 2013. – Consultant for preparing the communication and communication strategy for the issues of the National Dialogue Conference – International Organization for Migration (IOM) – 2014 . Conferences and workshops: Participation in the Knowledge Forum for Idea Industry, Dubai 2007 Participation in the Symposium on Media and Middle Eastern Issues, Istanbul, 2009 Participation in the UNESCO Regional Conference (Lebanon) on Youth and Economic Participation, 2011 Participation in the Modern Information and Communications Technology Symposium in Tunisia Participation in the annual international scientific conference 2013 (media professionalism and democratic transformation), Faculty of Information – Al-Azhar University Participation in the Sixth International Forum for the Free Press, held in Tunisia in 2013 Participated in the evaluation of television programs related to reproductive health as an expert in the United Nations communication strategy 2009 Participation in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Conference related to quality assurance, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Yemen Research and scientific papers: Published scientific research: 1 – Sources of information for Yemeni university youth to follow up on news of the Arab Spring revolutions and their developments, a 2014 field study published in Shu’un Al-Asr magazine, issue 45, April-June 2012. 2 – Motives for high school students’ exposure to educational programs on Yemeni television and their attitudes toward them. Published in Sana’a University Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Volume (11), Issue (1), January-June 2014. 3 – The role of the media in shaping the attitudes of the Arab academic elite towards the Arab Spring revolutions, a field study 2013, published in Strategic Visions magazine, Volume Two, Issue 5, 2014 , Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research Scientific papers: International organizations and their effectiveness in contemporary life Knowledge and human development in Yemen – Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation – Third National Human Development Report (study) Media work ethics in light of global transformations – a case study of Yemen – The media’s plight between power dominance or market dominance The new media boom and where do we stand from it – The Shura Council, 2005, a scientific study Freedom of information and access to it from the perspective of civil society and the media. Their role in combating corruption – a working paper presented to the anti-corruption training workshop – November 2006 Preparing media and communication contents for the poverty alleviation strategy awareness guide – Ministry of Planning 2005 (study) Globalization and the challenges of Yemeni youth – a study on the media basis of globalization, presented to the Shura Council – Youth, Media and Sports Committee – 2006 Developing a vision for a media and communication strategy to raise awareness of the poverty alleviation strategy – Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation 2005 Informatics and its role in the human development process, background paper for the third national human development report in Yemen – Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Adaptation of population programs in light of globalization, working paper The media and its role in raising awareness of population issues Population issues in the Yemeni media, an analytical study Preparing a working paper on the extent of the success of the local press in forming a pressing public opinion regarding issues of concern to society – an introduction to the Ministry of Information symposium – on the Yemeni press in light of unity, challenges and failures 2009 A working paper on the reality of the College of Media and its keeping pace with contemporary developments – Introduction to the Yemeni Media Women Forum 2009 Conducting a field study to evaluate educational programs on Yemeni television 2009 A study on the economics of human development and employment – Yemeni Center for Social Studies and Labor Research 2009 A study on media and information and their impact on human development and employment, Yemeni Center for Social Studies and Labor Research, 2009. The role of public relations in the international field, a working paper Globalization and internationalism: contradiction or homogeneity, conceptual paper Political poisoning (its concept – goals – means – risk) Globalized media, content problems and audience differences, a working paper Disseminating the benefits of modern technologies, especially those related to the fields of modern information and communications, in cooperation with the private sector: Towards developing a global partnership for development within the Millennium Development Goals, Yemen Report, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, 2007 Preparing a study on the Yemeni press’s handling of corruption issues, the National Anti-Corruption Authority Preparing a strategy and matrix for people with special needs (disabled), Social Fund for Development (scientific study) Yemeni youth, new culture and thought in light of the Arab Spring, Youth Development Foundation, Sana’a – March 2012 AD Preparing a vision for the Yemeni youth strategy, the Yemeni Youth Observatory, with support from the United Nations Office in Yemen, 2013. Preparing a media and communication strategy for the outcomes of the National Dialogue, the International Organization for Migration and the Presidency of the National Dialogue Conference 2014