Iman Abdullah Yahya Al-Mahdi
Nationality: Yemeni.
- A. (Bachelor of Arts in English 1999, Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra State, India).
- A. (Master of Arts in English 2001, Pune University, Pune, Maharastra State, India).
- D. (Doctor of Philosophy in English 2005. Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra State, India).
Paper published:
- Plural Perspectives: A study of Oliver Twist., GIEWEC Publications, Kerela State, India, 2012.
- A Study of Hardy as a novelist of Protest with Reference to two novels- Tess d’uebervilles and Jude the Obscure, Thamar University Journal. Republic of Yemen. 2012.
- Myth And Archetype their application in the Waste Land. Sana’a University Journal. Sana’a, Republic of Yemen,2011.
- Portraying Sana as a women: A critical study of Some of AbdulAziz Makala’s Poetry, Alnasser University Publications, Republic of Yemen, 2017.
- Politics of Dispersion: A Critic of Geroge Orwell’s Animal Farm, Sana’a University Publications, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen.2017.
- A Study of Radicalism in Daniel Deofe in the Novel Robinson Crusoe, Writers Editors Critics ( GIEWEC), Kerela State, India, 2017.
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: A critical Study in Concreteness, Alandalus University Publications, Republic of Yemen, 2018.
- Feministic Perspectives: An Analysis Od Shashi Deshpande’s That Long Silence,, Sana’a University Publications, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, 2018.
- Apocalyptic Vision In Amit Chaudhuri’s Novel A Strange and Sublime Address,AlNasser University Publications, Republic of Yemen, 2020.
Google Scholar link:
Conference Attended:
- 24-26 February, 2005. Forum for Culture Studies Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune, India.
- 15 March, 2005 Akiyabharati Research Institute, Pune, India.
Language Speaks:
Arabic, English, Hindi.
Work Experiences:
- Worked as Head of English department at Saba University from 1/9/2005-7/5/2006. Sana’a. Republic of Yemen.
- Worked as Dean of faculty of Arts and Education at Saba University from 8/5/2006 -2009. Sana’a, Republic of Yemen.
- Worked as Head of Department, English Department, Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University, 2010 to 2012, also teaching and Guiding as a supervisor for MA and Ph. D thesis in the Department of English Sana’a University Since 2009-.
- Teaching and Guiding MA Literature students and Supervising MA Thesis, in Yemen Academy for Higher Education, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, since 2016-.
- Foreign Examiner for Ph.D. Thesis for Indian Universities since 2016, are following:
- Annamalai University
- Bharatiar University
- Karpagam Academy of Higher education
- Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu state, India.