Abdul-Hakim Mohammad Homadi
A Yemeni national, graduated from the Department of English, faculty of Education. I am a lecturer at the Department of English, faculty of Languages. Currently, I am teaching at the Department of English, faculty of Languages, and I have also been teaching in the Faculty of Commerce and Economics for the last twenty years.
- 2002 Awarded an MA degree in English Language studies, Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen.
- 1992 Awarded a postgraduate Diploma in TESOL, English Language teaching, Thames Valley University, London, UK.
- 1987 Graduated from the Department of English, Faculty of Education, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen.
- 1995- Present Working as a full time instructor of English, Department of English, Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen.
- 1992-1995 worked as an inspector of English, Ministry of Education, Republic of Yemen.
- 1987-1989 Worked as a teacher of English, preparatory Stage, Altadhamon School, Sana’a.
- 1989-1992 Worked as a teacher of English, secondary Stage, Hael Saeed Secondary School, Sana’a.
- 1993-1995 Worked as a part time instructor of English, Faculty of Medicine, (Former) Language Centre, (now) Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University.
- 1990-1991 Worked as a part time instructor of English, Faculty of Arts, (Former) Language Centre, (now) Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University.
- 1989-1990 Worked as a part time instructor of English, Faculty of Education, (Former) Language Centre, (now) Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University.
Conferences and Workshops:
- 2019-2020 A workshop on course specification.
- 2001 Attended a Re-Orientation Course for the Demonstrators of English, Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University.
- 1998 Attended the First Regional ETP Conference, Yemen America Language Institute, Sana’a.
- 1994 Attended a one-week Training Course for Inspectors, Ministry of Education, Sana’a.
- 1993 Attended a training course for Inspectors of English on New English Series ( Crescent English, Research and Development Centre, Sana’a.
- 1991 Attended a one-month Standard English Language Course, Bedford Study centre, Bedford, UK.
- 1991 Attended a Pre-sessional Course, Thames Valley University, London, UK.
- 1991 Attended an ELT Seminar on “Words in Action” Longman Group, London, UK.
- 1987 Attended the ‘the 7th Yemen ELT Conference’ Yemeni Learners and Communication Skills, Research and Development Centre, Sana’a.
- 1986 Attended a three-month English Language Course in Yemeni Student Teachers, Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Reading, Reading, UK.