Kamal Ahmed Ahmed El-Shami
Dr. Kamal Ahmed Ahmed El-Shami
Math. Dept. Sana’a, University, Sana’a, Yemen
Name Kamal Ahmed Ahmed El-Shami
Current Position Assistant Professor (Numerical Analysis)
Date of Birth 1-1-1978
Citizen ship Sana’a, Yemen
Sex Male
Marital Status Married
Nationality Yemeni
Mob. 771239853
E-mail kamalelshami1@yahoo.com
Academic Background
Ph. D. Mathematics (Numerical Analysis) 2014
- Se. Mathematics (Numerical Analysis) 2010
- Se. Mathematics 2002
Professional Experiences
Demonstrator Mathematics Department, Sana’a University,
Assistant Professor Mathematics Department, Sana’a University,
from 2014 – till now.
-Training program of “Effective Presentation”, Assiut University,
Egypt, 2013
-Training program of “Research Ethics”, Assiut University, Egypt, 2013
-Training program of “Strategic Planning”, Assiut University,
Egypt, 2013
-Training program of “University Administration”, Assiut University,
Egypt, 2013
– ICDL Certificate, Assiut University, Egypt, 2010
-Training program of “International Publishing of Research”, Assiut
University, Egypt, 2009
– English course at English language center, Assiut University,
Egypt, 2009
List of publications
- H. M. El-Hawary and K. A. El-Shami, Spline collocation methods for solving second order neutral delay differential equations , Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., 2 (2009) 536- 545.
- H. M. El-Hawary and K. A. El-Shami, Sextic C1-spline collocation methods for solving delay differential equations. Int. J. Comput. Math., 89 (2012) 679-690.
- H.M. El-Hawary and K.A. El-Shami, Quintic C1-spline collocation methods for stiff delay differential equations. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., 5 (2012) 58-72.
- H. M. El-Hawary and K. A. El-Shami, Quintic C1-spline collocation methods for neutral delay differential equations. J. Math. Comput. Sci., 3 (2013) 456-465.
- H. M. El-Hawary and K. A. El-Shami, Spline/spectral methods for
neutral Volterra integro-differential equations with delay. J. Appl. Sci.
Res., 8 (2012) 5273-5279.
6. H.M. El-Hawary and K.A. El-Shami, Numerical solution of Volterra delay-integro-differential equations via spline/spectral methods. Int. J. Diff. Equ. Applic., 12 (2013) 149-157