Adel Mohammed Al-Odhari
Personal Information:
- Associate Professor. Adel Mohammed Al-Odhari
- Email: aleidhri@su.edu.ye
- Cell-phone: :00967-777654885
- Marital Status: Marred.
- Nationality:
- Date of Birth:
- Place of Birth: Taz..
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
[2006] University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia. PhD
(Mathematics) Thesis: The Construction of the Graph of Diagram
Groups And Cylindrical Groups from Semigroup Presentation of
Natural Numbers.
[1999] University of Garyouns, Benghazi, , Libya . M. Sc. (mathematics).
Thesis: Aspects of Algebraic Logic.
[1996] University of Garyouns, Benghazi, , Libya . B. Sc. (mathematics).
[18-3-2012-] Head of Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sciences (Khwlan), Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. Courses: Abstract Algebra (I + II), Topology, Linear Algebra (I+ II).
[15-9-2010- ] Lecturer in department of foundation Science, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. Courses:(Math-1+Math-2+Math-3+Math-4+Math-5+Math-6).
[20-8-2101-18-3-2012] Vice Dean for student Affairs, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sciences (Khwlan) Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
[1-11-2009– 20-8-2010] Vice Dean for academic Affairs, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sciences (Khwlan) Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
Courses: Abstract Algebra (I + II), Topology, Linear Algebra (I+ II).
[25-2-2007–1-11-2009] Head of Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sciences (Khwlan), Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. I taught the following courses: Linear Algebra) I+II), Abstract Algebra (I+II), Discreet Mathematics.
[2006–2007] Faculty of Education, Arts and Sciences (Khwlan), (Lecturer in Dep. Math:) Discreet Mathematics, Math (I+II).
[2000-2002] Faculty of Education, Arts and Sciences (Khwlan), (Lecturer in Dep. Math:)Math (I+II+III+IV) Linear Algebra I, Linear Algebra II, Sets and Logic.
[1999-2000] University of Sebha, Sebha, Libya (Lecturer in Dep. Math:)
Linear Algebra (I + II), Abstract Algebra (I + II), Sets and Logic, Number theory.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Al-Odhari, A. M. & Ahmad, A. G. 2005. The Graph of Cylindrical Diagram Groups of
Length Two Constructed from Natural Numbers Semigroup. Simpousium Utara Uni\_
Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke XIII.
fsk.uum.edu.my/sksmxiii/diluluskan.html(31 may 2005). 567-569
- Al-Odhari, A. M. & Ahmad, A. G. 2005. Pictorial Triangle and Cylindrical Groups
Constructed From Natural Numbers Semigroup. Kolokium Siswazah Kelima,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 314-316.
- About university teaching methods and methods; and teaching and evaluation
techniques. University Education Development Center. University of Sana’a during the period from 15 April to 6 May 2007.
- Higher Education Development Project in Yemen. Faculty development sessions,
in Cooperation with the Center for the Development of University Education, University of Sana’a (21-hour -2008).
- Sana’a University Computer Driving License, Sana’a University Computer Center. From 10-7-2007 to 15-9-2007.
- Academic program evaluator within the Academic Accreditation Council team. Ministry of Higher Education. Program for the teacher of the field of science and mathematics Faculty of Education, University of Ibb. From 29-5-2018 to 15-6-2018.
Research and scientific papers:
- Ahmad, A. G. & Al-Odhari, A. M. 2004. The Graph of Diagram Groups Constructed
from Natural Numbers Semigroup with a Repeating Generator. In J. Of Inst. Of
Maths. & Comp. Sci. 17(1) : 67-69.
- Al-Odhari, A. M. & Ahmad, A. G. 2004. The Graph of Diagram Groups with Length
One Constructed From Natural Numbers Semigroup. In J. Of Inst. Of Math & Comp.
Sci. 17 ( 3 ): 251-253.
- A.M. Al-odhari, The Computation of the Rank of Diagram Groups Constructed From
Semigroup Presentation, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 8, 2013,
- 32, 1585 – 1590.
Mathematical Archive-6(11), 2015, 179-184.
FUNCTIONS ON INFRA TOPOLOGICAL SPACES, International Journal of Mathematical
Archive-7(3), 2016, 18-22.
- Adel. M. AL-Odhari, Existential and Universal Quantifier Operators on
Boolean Algebras and Their Properties, International Journal of Mathematical
Archive-12(5), 2021, 37-44.
- A. Al-Odhari., Features of Propositional Logic, Pure Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10,
2021, no. 1, 35 – 44, HIKARI Ltd, www.m-ikari.com,
- 9. M. AL-Odhari, Some Characteristics of Monadic and Simple Monadic
Algebras, to appear in , International Journal of Mathematical Archive.
10.Book published: Introduction to set theory and logic, Amen published, Sana’a-2004
(Arabic Book).