Fawzi Abdullah Khaled kassim AL haded
- Associate Professor. Fawzi Abdullah Khaled kassim AL haded
- Date of Birth: 1974
- Marital Status: Married
- Address of Work: Faculty of Education, Arts, and Sciences – Khawlan, University of Sana’a
- Current Occupation: Assistant professor
- Nationality: Yemeni Religion: Muslim
- E-mail: fawzi1733333@gmail.com
- Mobile: (00967) 776299961
- Summary: Fawzi Abdullah Khaled kassim AL haded, is an Associate Professor for Curculums and Teaching method of Mathematics at Faculty of Cducation, art and Sciona Khawlan in Sana’a University in Yemen. I got a doctoral degnee in education in Curriculams and teaching methods of Mathematics from Faculty of Education, Assuit University, Egypt in (2009),. Hell got the Present of researches and Studies of Arabic Education in Arabic Gulf countries in (2012).
“The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program in Differentiation and Integration based on Mathematical Thinking Styles on Developing Creativity among the Students of the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University .”
- Doctoral degree in Education, specialized in Curricula and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Assuit University, 2009, with a recommendation of exchanging the dissertation within the specialized centers and universities in Egypt. The title of the dissertation is “The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program in Differentiation and Integration based on Mathematical Thinking Styles on Developing Creativity among the Students of the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University .”
- Master degree in Education, specialized in Curricula and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Sana’a, 2001, with an excellent grade , along with a recommendation of publishing the thesis for the purpose of getting benefits out of it in the republic of Yemen. The title of the thesis is “An Evaluation of the Mathematics Tests for the 3rd Year Class Students of the Secondary Level in Republic of Yemen and a Proposal for their developments.”
- Bachelor degree in Mathematics / Physics – Faculty of Education, University of Taiz 1995.
- Lectuner at mathematics departmcnt in Faculty of education, art and Science Khawlan, Sana’a University from (2002-2006).
- Assistarit Profesor at Faculty of Education art and Science Khawlan, Sana’a University from (2009-2021).
- Associate professer at faculty of education, art and Science Khawlan, Sana’a University from (2021).
- The Head of the mathematics department in Faculty of education, art and Science Khawlan, Sana’a University from (2010) to (2013) and from (2018) to (2020).
- Worked as a teacher in Al-Sha’ab School (1995 – 1997)
- Worked as a teacher in Abd-ul-Naser Secondary School (1997 – 2000).
- Attended the staff members at Sana’a University, Faculty of Arts, Sciences, and Education, Khawlan, 2002.
- Taught several educational and mathematical courses in the department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education. These courses are listed below:
- Measurement and Evaluation, Curriculums, Basics of Statistics, Curriculum Analysis, Teaching Methods (1), Teaching Methods (2), Linear Algebra (2), Linear Algebra (1), Theory of Probabilities, Logic and Groups, Mathematical Statistics, Differentiation & Integration (2), Differentiation & Integration (1), Differentiation & Integration (3), Theory of Probabilities, Authentic Analysis, Computer Programming, Differentiation equations (1), Mathematical Analysis, and Practicum Supervision,…
Conferences and Workshops:
- ( ICDL Certificate ), International Computer Driving Licence,
- A course in “Writing and Publishing Scientific Researches Worldwide”, Growing the Academic Staff’s Abilities Center, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A course in “the bases of selecting the suitable statistical approach for dealing with data and the hypothesis of scientific, psychological, and educational studies”, Educational and Psychological Guidance Center, Faculty of Education, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A course in “Publishing Scientific Researches”, Growing the Academic Staff’s Abilities Center, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A course in “Using Technology in Teaching”, Growing the Academic Staff’s Abilities Center, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A course in “Using the SPSS Program”, Computer Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A course in “Quality Standards in the Teaching Process”, Growing the Academic Staff’s Abilities Center, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A training course in “Troubleshooting and Maintaining the PC’s”, Computer Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Assuit University, Egypt.
- Courses in using computers (Dos, Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Arabic and English Printing), University of Science and Technology, 2000.
- A course in “Using Internet”, University of Science and Technology, Yemen, 2000.
- A course in “Time Administration and Work Pressure”, Growing the Academic Staff’s Abilities Center, Assuit University, Egypt.
- A course in “The administrative and Financial Aspects at Universities”, Growing the Academic Staff’s Abilities Center, Assuit University, Egypt.
- Courses in English language in several universities and specialized centers.
- Attending some conferences such as “Maths for All”, one of the conferences of the Scientific Association of Maths, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University.
- Thanks and appreciation certificate, Al-Tabari school, Sana’a, 1999/2000.
- Appreciation certificate for the distinguished performance in research and behavior from the Embassy of Yemen in Cairo, 2009- 2021.
- Thanks and appreciation certificate from the committee of Yemeni researchers at Assuit University for the scientific success in getting the doctoral degree, 2009- 2021.
Research and scientific papers:
- Hell got the Present of researches and Studies of Arabic Education in Arabic Gulf countries in (2012).(“The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program in Differentiation and Integration based on Mathematical Thinking Styles on Developing Creativity among the Students of the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University .”).
- Composing a book entitled “Teacher and Researcher Guide in evaluating and developing Maths Tests“, published and registered by Dar Al-Kuttob Al-Watania, Sana’a, 2004.
- Evaluation of the Content of Math Courses at the Faculty of Education- Sana’a University in light of Quality Standards , Journal of Social Studies,28 (1), p1-41,(2022).
- Methods of Mathematical Proof and Logic in Mathematics Courses at the Faculty of Education – Sana’a University, Journal of Social Studies, 27 (1), p 29-64.(2021).
- The Effectiveness of Applied and Open Debate according to the Ways of Critical Evaluative Thinking to Teach the Course of ‘Basics of Scientific Research’ in the Development of Creative Research Skills and the Creativity among Students of the Faculty of Education, University of Sana’a.”, Journal Pen,(24), 2021.
- Availability of Cognitive Levels in Mathematics Courses at the Faculty of Education-Sana’a University , The National University Journal,(16),2021.
- “Evaluating the Course of ‘Scientific Research’ for the Student Teachers at the Faculty of Education Sana´a University“,Yemen University Journal, Issue no(6), 2021.