Sultan Mohammed Saleh Abuhulaika
Personal Information:
- NAME: Sultan Mohammed Saleh Abuhulaika
- Place & Date of Birth: Hubaish, Ibb – 1970.
- Profession: a lecturer. (M. Sc. Major in: Mathematics.)
- INSTITUTION: College of Education, Arts and Science – Khawlan
- Cell PHONE NO.# +9677773397617
- WhatsApp : +967-774336648
- Email Address:
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
- Appointed as a teaching assistant (demonstrator) in 1999.
- Got M. Sc. From India in 2006, University of Poona.
- Admitted to Ph. D. but unfortunately not completed.
- M. Sc. Major: Mathematics – University of Poona, Pune, India.
- B. Ed. Major: Mathematics in 1994
- General Secondary School certificate 1989
- Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, College of Education, Arts and Science – Khawlan – from 2012 to …….