
About Faculty

Faculty of Pharmacy

An Overview about Faculty

The Faculty of Pharmacy at Sana’a University holds the most leading position in the field of pharmaceutical education throughout Yemen. The faculty provides quality pharmaceutical education as well as distinguished scientific research and vocational services pertinent to the practice of Pharmacy and related Pharmaceutical Sciences.


The Faculty of Pharmacy at Sana’a University is committed to creating an atmosphere that encourages intellectual scientific curiosity, diversity, and self-development. This will enable students to learn in a comfortable academic atmosphere.
The intended learning experience encourages knowledge and promotes personal growth. It recognizes advantages of diversity in experiences, learning styles, and values. It also consolidates personal and societal values that benefit the individual and society.
The Faculty of Pharmacy at Sana’a University will develop curricula based on reliable knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences and on scientific inputs from pharmacy practitioners. Students will acquire skills and knowledge throughout their learning periods and engage in creative scholarly pursuits throughout their professional lives.


The Faculty strives to qualify pharmaceutical students academically and globally with high professional ethics to compete locally, regionally and globally, provided with educational programs based on quality standards to support national pharmaceutical industries, meet labor market needs, and serve the community.


As the first in the Republic of Yemen, the Faculty of Pharmacy, with its distinguished scientific cadres, aspires to excel at the national level among all distinguished academic institutions that are recognized regionally and internationally.
Administrative staff
Academic staff


  •  Preparing well-qualified pharmacists who are able to compete;
  •  Providing the local market with pharmacists who are professionally and ethically competent;
  •  Producing well-qualified pharmacists;
  •  Providing the community and health institutions with efficient pharmacists having specialized knowledge, skills, high ethical values and community-based communication skills.

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty name