Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed gasser

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed gasser

Personal Information:

Faculty: physical education

Marital status: Married

Date of birth: 06/07/1964

Place of birth: Arab Republic of Egypt


I worked as an instructor at the Faculty of Physical Education (formerly the Higher Institute of physical education and sports) in 1997-1999, then I was nominated to go to the Arab Republic of Egypt in order to complete my graduate studies (Master-PhD) in 2000, I got a master’s degree and a doctorate from Helwan University in the Arab Republic of Egypt, then I returned to Yemen and she also held several administrative positions at the college, most recently the chairman of the academic committee.



Ph. D. in philosophy of physical education major football (Hons) – Helwan University-Cairo-Egypt.

Holds a master’s degree in sports training major football (appreciation is very good with his honor rank) – Helwan University – Cairo-Egypt.

Holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education (Excellent rating), formerly Soviet Union.

Holds a high school diploma.



Advisor to the minister of youth and sports affairs, scientific, 2013.

Professor Doctor, Faculty of physical education, 2011.

Vice dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of physical education 2007-2013.

Chairman of the scientific and academic committee at the Faculty of physical education in 2014.

Assistant professor in the Faculty of physical education, 2006.

Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of physical education in 2002.

Teaching at the Faculty of physical and sports education in 1997-1999.

Holds an international computer driving license.

I speak excellent English and Russian.


Conferences and Workshops:

Participated in many international conferences and in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Algeria, Qatar, South Korea – Bulgaria.


Research and scientific papers:

I have published more than twenty papers, the most important of which is:

“Guided discovery in football”.

“The effect of physical exertion until overheating on some physiological variants and rare salts 100m free for juniors”.