Sarah Saeed Qaid ALzubiri

Sarah Saeed Qaid ALzubiri

Barn in: GR Municipality

Data of birth : 1986

Address: Sana’a (Haddah St)

Academic History:

Master in physical Education and Sport Sciences (Excellent)

Bachelors physical Education and Sport Sciences (Very Good)

Gat Scientific Excellence Certificate From Sana’a University (2009)

Career History:

physical Education teacher in AL Forat School For Girls

physical Education teacher in Sana’a Advanced School

Coach in Balqis Gum(2007)

Arbitrator Some of girls Volleyball tournaments

Arbitrator Some of girls Basketball tournaments


Current Position:

Teacher in Sana’a University Factually of physical Education (2010)until now


Certificates and courses:

Certificate of participation in refine and upgrade the volleyballs arbiters (2013)

Certificate of participation for an internship in the Women’s football (2012) from(FiFA)

Certificate of participation in college activities

First aid course

Course in beginner arbitration for ladies Handball 2005



The First International Conference On (Be active over 60) 2020 – Cairo



Arabic :mother tong

English: Intermediate