D. Abdul Ghani Mujahid Saleh Mutahar
Personal Information:
College: Sports Education
Social status: Married (father of five daughters)
Birthday: 01/01/1980
Place of birth: Atma – Dhamar
I graduated from the Faculty of Sports Education (formerly the Higher Institute of Physical and Sports Education) at Sana’a University in 2003 (first in class), Then I worked as a college teacher and received an external scholarship to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, where I completed my postgraduate studies at the University of Jordan, where I received a master’s degree in 2008 (the first instalment), and then received a Doctorate in The Philosophy of Sports Education in 2010 from the same university (first place on the batch), Then I returned to the college and worked as an assistant professor in 2011 and I was promoted to degrees until I got a professorship in 2020, as she held many administrative positions at the college and now I work as dean of the Faculty of Sports Education at Sana’a University.
I hold a Ph.D. in Physical and Sports Education Philosophy from the Faculty of Sports Education, University of Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2010 (first place on the batch).
I hold a master’s degree in physical and sports education philosophy from the Faculty of Sports Education, University of Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2008 (first place in the class).
I hold a bachelor’s degree in physical and sports education from the Faculty of Sports Education – Sana’a University in 2003 (first place on the batch).
– Teaching at Sana’a University-Faculty of physical education for the course of sports physiology and sports training – kinesiology – basketball – athletics – Fitness-Sports Recreation.
– Lecturer in sports health and nutrition of athletes in the Asian Training Course for football coaches’ certificate (C) organized by the Yemeni football federation, March 2012.
– Lecturer in sports health and nutrition of athletes in the Asian Training Course for football coaches’ certificate (a) organized by the Yemeni football federation, November 2012.
– Lecturer in sports nutrition in the educational course of Sports Medicine organized by the Yemeni Olympic Committee in cooperation with the center of sports medicine 2012.
– Lecturer in the educational course of sports nutrition and sports psychology organized by the Ministry of youth and sports in cooperation with the Yemeni Olympic Committee for promising athletes 2012
– Minutes of the training course for coaches and administrators of the sport of banjak silat, organized by the Yemeni general Federation of banjak silat, December 2012.
– Lecturer at the 2014 taekwondo Trainers Course organized by the Yemeni Olympic Committee.
– Lecturer in training courses for trainers of promising Centers for national teams and women’s sports organized by the Yemeni Olympic Committee 2017 – 2019 in sports training and sports physiology.
– Six-month diploma with excellent computer leadership.
– Many English courses.
– Referee in several tournaments organized by the Yemeni Athletics Federation and the Ministry of Education.
– Supervising many master’s thesis in the college and in the faculties of physical education in the Republic of Yemen.
Conferences and Workshops:
– Participant in the Qualifying Course on laws, regulation and training organized jointly by the French embassy and the Higher Institute of physical and sports education, December 2003.
– Participant in the fifth training course for sports medicine and anti-doping organized by the general Yemeni Federation of sports medicine, October 2005.
– Participant in many internal and external scientific conferences.
Research and scientific papers:
24 research (with summaries) (in Arabic and English) in the following areas:
(Sports physiology – sports training-sports management):
1-the impact of a proposed training program in the way of variable intensity interval training on some variables of oxygen supply and qualitative long-distance running (Proceedings of the first scientific conference on physical education and sports in Arab schools-Sana’a 25-26 August 2007.
2-the impact of running training in the variable intensity style on some physiological variables and the digital level in long distance runners in the capital Sanaa high schools
(Al-Najah University Journal for Humanities-volume 24-2010)
3-the degree of application of management by goals in the Jordanian Football Federation (Proceedings of the sixth scientific sports conference-sports and Development-University of Jordan-Faculty of physical education 2010.
4-obstacles to administrative creativity in sports institutions in Yemen (Proceedings of the first scientific conference on Sports Creativity – University of Jordan – Faculty of physical education – 2010).
5 – the level of strategic thinking among sports leaders in Yemen (Journal of the University of MU’tah for the humanities – Volume 27 – Issue 4-2012).
6-management leaders ‘ perceptions of creativity and leadership decision-making in sports federations in Yemen (challenge magazine-al Arabi bin Mahdi University-Issue 6 – Algeria-2013)
7-job satisfaction and its relationship to administrative creativity among faculty members in faculties and departments of physical education in Yemen (Proceedings of the second scientific conference on Sports Creativity – University of Jordan – Faculty of physical education – 2011)
8-the impact of repetitive training on the improvement of anaerobic threshold and achievement in long-distance running players (Al-Najah University Journal for Humanities – Nablus – Palestine – Vol. 26-2012)
- the impact of high-intensity interval training on improving anaerobic threshold and achievement in long-distance runners, fourth International Conference on research of University dissertations and theses – 2012.
- obstacles to women & apos; s exercise of sports activity in Sana’a governorate. Professional magazine-Institute of Science and technology of physical and sports activities-University of Xian Ashour in djelfa – Issue (2) Algeria 2014.
- resistance to organizational change among members of the organizational structure of the Olympic sports federations in Yemen.(Proceedings of the scientific conference on administrative management – Messila University-Algeria)
- directions of teachers of physical education towards the process of selecting and evaluating creative athletes in schools in the capital Sana’a. Sana’a University Journal of educational and psychological sciences – Volume 9-2012.
13-obstacles to technical creativity among football players in Yemen-Proceedings of the third Sports Innovation Conference-Faculty of Physical Education – University of Jordan – Amman-2012
14-the role of sports media in the publication of women’s sports from the point of view of students of the Faculty of physical education at Sana’a University-Queen Arwa university magazine-13th issue-2014
15-resistance to organizational change among members of the administrative structure in the Yemeni Olympic sports federations-Journal of sports science studies – International Academy of sports science technology-Issue (2) – Sweden-2016
16-measuring the level of knowledge in physical fitness among students of the Faculty of physical education at Sana’a University – Professional magazine – Institute of Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities – Zyan Ashour University in djelfa – 10th issue Algeria 2016.
17-evaluation of the cognitive level of graduate students in the Faculty of physical education at Sana’a University in sports medicine (sports injuries and physiology of physical exertion) and its relation to the final degree of their academic achievement. Journal of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Sana’a university 0 2017.
18-a study to determine the fatigue index in some handball, basket and airplane players from the Faculty of physical education at Sana’a university using repeated pneumatic effort., King Saud University Journal of sports and physical activity Sciences, 2018.
19-conflict management strategies used by secondary school principals in Sana’a capital Secretariat and its relationship to the organizational commitment of physical education teachers and teachers of other subjects, University of Science and Technology Journal of physical and sports activity-Mohammed Bo diyaf, Oran, No. 4, 2018
20-the effect of aerobic exercise on some physiological measurements in obese women. Common posting. King Saud University Journal of sports sciences and physical activity, 2018.
21-the impact of a proposed training program to develop the physical abilities of handball in female students of the Faculty of physical education at Sana’a University Journal of Science and technology for physical activity and sports-Mohammed Bo diyaf, Oran
- build and apply the measure of personal, social, scientific and professional competencies required by the medical paramedic in the field of sports. – Journal of Sports Sciences – University of Tripoli-28th issue-2020
23-the impact of the physical fitness curriculum on some of the physical abilities of the first level students at the Faculty of physical education, Sana’a University – Queen Arwa university magazine – 22nd issue 2019.
24-the effect of a training program accompanying a proposed dietary program on some physiological variables and the regulation of blood sugar level in patients of the second degree. (Joint publication-white university Journal-Volume 1, Issue 2 .2019