Dr.Bakil Hussein Nasser Al-Soufi
Personal Information:
Address: Al Mahweet – Yemen
Degree: PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
Specialty: Physical Education and Sports
Marital Status: Married
Experience: 10 years in the sports field.
Dr. Bakil Hussein Nasser Al-Sufi was born in 1980 in Almahweet, Yemen. awarded a Ph.D. degree from the Algeria, Algiers University, Algeria. Institute of Physical Education and Sports. also awarded a Bachelor’s and master’s degrees, Sana’a University in Yemen. During his Ph.D. study, he was teaching students and he published in several conferences and international journals. he has huge experience with teaching and publishing articles in international journals like Scopus and web of science.
2004 Sana’a University, Yemen,
Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Physical Education
2009 Algiers University, Algeria
Master’s Degree, Institute of Physical Education and Sports
2014 Algiers University, Algeria
Doctoral Degree – Ph.D., Institute of Physical Education and Sports
- Microsoft Windows – advance
- MS Office Package – advance
- Outlook – advance
Work Experience:
- Leadership in administrative work at the Ministry of Sports and Sports,
- Head of Department of Studies and Research.
- Manager of Information development and Remote Sensing.
- Member of the General Athletics Federation for the period from 2005-2007
- Arbitration in sports tournaments held by the Athletics Federation.
Conferences and Workshops:
- International conference at the University of Mohamed Boudiaf-Messila – Algeria, “Running sports administration in light of a market economy.” The reality of sports marketing in the Republic of Yemen _ a comparative study between team and individual games.
- International conference at the University of Algiers 3_ “Training and research strategies in the sports field – the path towards professionalism in sports. “Administrative decision-making and its relationship to the state of sports competition anxiety among athletes in athletics.
- International conference at the University of Mohamed Khaider – Biskra – Algeria “Physical and sports activity for the child and adolescent.” The level of implementation of the indoor sporting activity in the physical education and sports curricula and its most important obstacles in education schools in the Capital Secretariat in the Republic of Yemen
- International conference at the University of Khemis Miliana – Algeria, “School sport” reality and prospects “: Obstacles to the implementation of school sports activities in the basic and secondary education stages in Amanat Al-Asimah in the Republic of Yemen
- International conference at the University of Messila – Algeria, “Sports Media in the Arab World”:
Readable sports media and its role in reducing the phenomenon of violence among clubs in Al Mahwit governorate in the football game in the Republic of Yemen, “A study centered on a Yemeni newspaper, Sport.”
- International conference at El Hadj Lakhdar University – Batna – Algeria “Recent trends in teaching physical education and sports,The use of some educational methods and their reflection in developing some basic football skills among students of the Amanat Al-Asemah schools in the Republic of Yemen.
- International conference at Xian Ashour University – Djelfa – Algeria “Drugs between prevention and treatment: The role of indoor, non-extracurricular sports activity in the prevention of drug abuse, a survey study on some secondary education schools in Amanat Al-Asimah, Republic of Yemen.
- International conference at the University of Qastounia 2_ Algeria, “Social Pests,” Case Study:
The scourge of khat abuse and its harm to Yemeni society “Study of reality and solutions”
- International conference at the Badji Mukhtar University of Annaba University “Methods of scientific research in physical education and sports: Study some obstacles to activating the process of sports marketing in Yemeni clubs • The First National Conference on “Yemeni Sports, a New Vision for the Future”:Psychological preparation and its relationship to the state of anxiety during competition among football players in the Republic of Yemen
Research and scientific papers:
- Journal of Sports Creativity, University of Messila, Algeria, Issue 1, 2010 AD published research entitled: Psychological preparation and its relationship to anxiety during competitions among athletes in the athletics field.
- Journal of the Sciences and Technologies of Sports Physical Activity _ University of Oran, Algeria, Issue 2- 2012 AD: Leadership behavior of coaches and its relationship to anxiety before and during sports competition.
- Journal of Sports Challenge, the Arab University Benmehidi Umm residuum, Algeria – Issue 5, 2012: leadership behavior of coaches from the point of view of the players in the field of athletics in the Republic of Yemen
- Journal of Youth Sports, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Republic of Yemen _ number 3_2013m: psychological preparation and its relationship to the status of anxiety before the sports competition among athletes in football, Yemen
- Journal of Sports Challenge, the Arab University Benmehidi Umm residuum, Algeria – Aladd7_2014 m: Concern sports competition and its relationship with achievement motivation among basketball players Yemen
- Journal of Sports Creativity, University of Messila, Algeria, Issue 7 – 2012 AD published research: Some important psychological aspects of sports performance and its relationship to anxiety during competition among deaf and dumb athletes in athletics in the Republic of Yemen
- Journal of Sports Creativity, University of Messila, Algeria, Issue 5_ 2012 published research: The reality of sports marketing in the Republic of Yemen – a comparative study between group and individual games.
- Journal of Sports Creativity – University of Messila – Algeria – Issue 11_ 2013 AD published research: The readable sports media and its role in reducing the phenomenon of violence among Al Mahwit clubs in the football game – a study centered on the Yemeni newspaper, Sport.