Ibrahim Ali Muhammad Al-Werafi.

Dr.Ibrahim Ali Muhammad Al-Werafi.


Date of birth: 2/1/1977

Nationality: Yemeni

Marital Status: Married – father of one child.

Employer: College of Physical Education – University of Sana’a.

Position: Associate Professor



Prof. Ibrahim Ali Muhammad Al-Werafi, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education at Sana’a University, specializing in training, tests and standards in physical education sciences. Worked as head of the quality assurance unit, member of the faculty union at the University of Sanaa, deputy dean of the college for student affairs for a period of 3 years. Participated in many Conferences and seminars.


  • Doctorate degree from the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, with a general grade of excellent, 2011.
  • Master’s degree from the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, with a grade of “very good”, 2007.
  • Bachelor’s degree from the Higher Institute of Physical Education and Sports with a grade of “Very Good” ,2002.



  • Lecturer in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, Sana’a University holds many certificates:
  • International Computer Driving License (ICDL) certificate in Cairo.
  • An arbitration certificate in basketball from the Yemeni Olympic Committee.
  • Olympic training certificate in handball from the Arab Olympic Committee.
  • Olympic training certificate in swimming from the Arab Olympic Committee.
  • Certificate of Appreciation from the Yemeni Embassy in the Arab Republic of Egypt for his active contributions in organizing many sporting and cultural events.
  • Certificate in sports management and organization from the Yemeni Olympic Committee in Sana’a.
  • Referee Certificate from the Arab Federation for Transverse Ball.
  • I worked as a handball coach at Al Shorta Sports Club for three years.
  • Participated in judging many competitions and events that were organized by the Yemeni Athletics Federation.


  • Participated in the thirteenth international scientific conference Physical Education and the Third Millennium, which was held at the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University.
  • Participated in the third international scientific conference “Modern Sports Training” at the University of Messila in Algeria
  • Participated in the international scientific conference “Tourism Sports Investment” at the University of Oran, Algeria.
  • Participated in the first international forum “on drugs between prevention and treatment” at the Zian Ashour University of Djelfa, Algeria.
  • Participated in the training course in the field of preparing course specifications held by the University Education Development Center at the University of Sana’a.
  • Participated in the first quality week that is held by the Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance at the University of Sana’a.


  • Some of the obstacles faced by basketball youth in the Republic of Yemen – Al-Ibdaa Magazine, Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, University of Messila, December 2012.
  • Anthropometric Evidence and Aspects of Health Care for Preschool Children 4-6 Years Old, Sana’a University Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, June – December 2013.
  • Sports competition anxiety and its relationship to achievement motivation among Yemeni basketball players, Al-Tahadi Magazine, Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, Al-Arabi Bin Mahidi University in Umm Al-Bouaghi, June – 2014.
  • Setting standard levels for some of the distinctive physical, health and functional characteristics of students of the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Sana’a, Al-Mohtaraf magazine, Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, Zian Ashour University in Djelfa, December 2014.
  • Determinants of Investment in Sports Clubs, Journal of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Sana’a.
  • The impact of school sports media on spreading sports culture among school students in the Republic of Yemen.



  • Principles of kinesiology – theoretical and applied foundations.
  • Principles of Mathematical Statistics.
  • Basketball education.
  • Volleyball Skills – Plans – Law.