Mohammed Abdulhalim Haidar

Dr.Mohammed Abdulhalim Haidar


Personal Information:

  • Date of Birth : 21/ 2/ 1962
  • Place of Birth : Taiz – Yemen
  • Citizenship : Yemeni
  • Civil status : Married, 5 children
  • Permanent address : Maeen zone , 24 street , Sana a , Yemen


  • Summary:

Dr. Mohammed Abdul – halim Haidar , doctorate degree in medicine ( PhD ) – Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – from Belarus 1998. General director of Yemeni Center for Sports Medicine from 1998 to 2010. Assistant professor of health sciences in Higher Institute of Physical Education in Sana’a city from 1998 to 2008. Since the year 2008 up to now associate professor and professor of health sciences and sports medicine in Sana’a university , collage of sports education . I did a lot of research in the field of sports injuries, physiotherapy and sports medicine.



  • Bachelor degree (MB.CH.B.), 1980-1986, from Kuban State Medical Institute, dated 28/6/1986 , Krasnodar city, USSR.
  • Master degree (Clinical Ordinatura) in physical medicine and rehabilitation (1992-1994) from Belarussian State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, dated 1/10/1994 , Minsk city, Republic of Belarus.
  • Diploma in massage and sports medicine , 1994 -1995, from Belarussian Institute of Physical Culture, dated 29/1/1995, Minsk city, Republic of Belarus.
  • Doctorate degree in medicine (PhD) with excellent grade , 1994-1998, from Belarussian State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, dated 22/4/1998, Minsk city, Republic of Belarus.




  • General practioner in Marib Military Hospital, Marib Province, from 1986 to 1987.
  • General practioner in Al-Ahkum dispensary, Taiz Province, from 1987 to 1988.
  • General practioner in health unit, Sana’a university, from 1988 to 1990.
  • General practioner and general director of Sakein Hospital, Sadda Provence , from1990 to1991.
  • General practioner in Al-Thawora General Hospital, physiotherapy department, Taiz province, from 1991 to 1992.
  • Specialization in the department of physiotherapy in Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital, No. 10, Minsk city, Republic of Belarus, from 1992 to 1994.
  • Special program in masseurs and sports medicine in the Belarussian Institute of Physical Culture , Minsk city, Republic of Belarus, from 1994 to 1995.
  • Dissertation (Researcher) in the department of physiotherapy in Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital, No. 10, Minsk city, Republic of Belarus, from 1994 to 1998.
  • Consultant and General Director of Yemeni Center for Sport Medicine, Sana’a city, Yemen, from 1998 to 2010.
  • Assistant professor ( health science ) in Higher Institute of Physical Education , Sana’a city, Yemen, from 1998 to 2008.
  • Associate professor ( health science ) in Faculty of Physical Education , Sana’a city, Yemen, from 2008 to
  • Acting Vice Dean for Academic Affairs , Faculty of Physical Education , Sana’a University, Yemen, from 2013 to 2017.
  • Professor of physiotherapy and sports medicine, Faculty of Physical Education, Sana’a University, Yemen, from 2019 up to now.


Conferences and Workshops:

  • Attendance in Doping and Sports Medicine Course, organized by Egyptian Olympic Committee, Cairo city, 21-26 August 2000, Egypt.
  • Attendance in Sports Medicine Course, organized by Kuwait Olympic Medical Committee, Kuwait city, 19-20 March 2001, Kuwait .
  • Attendance in Sport Medicine Course, organized by IOC Medical Commission and Olympic Solidarity, Muscat city, 18-20 March 2002, Oman.
  • Training Course in Sports Physiological Tests, King Saud University, Riyadh city, December-January, 2003/2004, KSA.


Research and scientific papers:

  • Mohammed Haidar. Use of UHF- therapy in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers. Health Journal of Belarus, No 6, 1997,Minsk, Belarus.
  • Haidar M., Koltovich G.K. Magneto laser therapy as a new combined method for ulcerous disease therapy. Health Journal of Belarus, No 8, 1997, Minsk, Belarus.
  • Ulashchik V.C., Mohammed Haidar. Use of low frequency ultrasound in ulcerous disease. Health Journal of Belarus, No 9, 1997, Minsk, Belarus.
  • Mamdouh M. Saad, Mohammed A. Haidar. An analytic study for sport injuries among football players in Republic of Yemen. Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports, Vol. 32, January, 2007, Alexandria University, Egypt.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar. Job satisfaction, organization commitment, and organizational justice of sports medicine Yemeni workers. Sana’a University Journal for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 2, June-December 2011, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar. Effect of a rehabilitation-training program upon some physical and physiological variables on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Queen Arwa University Journal, No. 9, July-December, 2012, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar, Abbas Sarhan Mukbil, and Fuad Taresh Ali Hasan. The common injuries in gymnastics from viewpoint of Yemeni gymnasts. Sana’a University Journal for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol. 10. No. 2, June- December 2013, pp.130-163, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar. Obstacles facing Yemeni specialists working in sport injuries field and suggested procedures to overcome or restrict them. Queen Arwa University Journal, No. 13, July-December 2014, pp.141-175, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar Ali, Abbas Djamal, Makarand Joshi, and Maeen A. Mohammed. Relationship between common sports injuries and football players lines in first division clubs in Republic of Yemen. International Journal of Health, Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports, Vol. 20, No. 1, October-December 2015, pp.62-67, India.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar and Abdulghani M. Mutahar. Evaluation of knowledge level among higher studies students in Physical Education and Sports College of Sana’a University in sports medicine ( Sports injuries and Exercise Physiology ) and their relation to final remarks of academic attainment. Sana’a University Journal for Educational and Psychological Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 1, January-June 2017, pp.6-23, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar. A comparative study of some cardio-respiratory system variable at rest among athletes and no athletes subjects by using AT-2 plus, Schiller device . Queen Arwa University Journal, No.20, January-June, 2018, Sana’a, Yemen.
  • Mohammed A. Haidar, Abdulghani M. Mutahar, and Najeeb S. Jouim. Determining of fatigue index among handball, basketball, and volleyball players from Faculty of Physical Education of Sana’a University by using repeated anaerobic effort. Journal of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Vol.2, No. 2,pp.49-60, July 2018, Riyadh, KSA.