Pro. Najeeb Salih Musleh Ja`im
Personal Information :
Name : Najeeb Salih Musleh Ja`im
Marital Status : Married Number of children two boy and three girls
Date of birth : 2/1 1979 Place of birth: Dhamar, Republic of Yemen,
Academic rank : Associate Professor Workplace : College of Physical Education – University of Sana’a – Yemen.
Phone : 00967770474452 Email : n.juaim@su.edu.ye
Naguib Salih Musleh Juhaim / Associate Professor of Physical Education Teaching Methods and Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies, born in 1979 AD, Dhamar Governorate – Yemen, obtained a bachelor’s degree from the former Higher Institute of Physical Education in 2002 AD, and a master’s degree in 2009 and a degree Doctorate in 2013 from the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, specializing in Physical Education Teaching Methods. He held some academic positions, including Head of the Quality Assurance Unit and Head of the Department of Theoretical Materials. He has many experiences in the field of specialization. He participated in many local and international conferences, seminars and workshops, and published Many searches in external scientific journals
Najeeb holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education on 7/10/2007 (first order).
Najeeb holds a master’s degree (specializing in physical education teaching methods) from the College of Physical Education !! For boys in cairo Helwan university on 28/7/2009.
Najeeb holds a Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sports, (specializing in teaching methods of Rayyan Education) from the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Cairo, Helwan University, on 14/7/2013 .
Najeeb got an assistant professor’s degree on 13/2/2014 .
Najeeb got an associate professor’s degree on 3/8/2019.
- Coach of the Junior Olympic Team in Athletics.
- The coach of the Dhamar swimming team .
- A member of the Sports Federation of Yemeni Universities .
- General Responsible for Sports Activity at the College of Physical Education.
- Secretary General of the Swimming Union, Dhamar Governorate Branch.
- Head of the Department of Theoretical Courses at the College of Physical Education. .7. Head of the Unit and Quality Assurance at the College of Physical Education .
- Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Postgraduate Studies
Conferences and Workshops:
- Participated in the scientific conference of the third Arab school sports championship for football in the Republic of Yemen – for the period from 20 to 31 August 2007.
- Participated in the Thirteenth International Scientific Conference “Physical Education and Sports” Challenges of the Third Millennium in the Arab Republic of Egypt, from 23 to 24 March 2010.
3, Participated in the fourth virtual international scientific conference titled “The Reality of Using Teaching Methods in Institutes of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities through Distance Learning Under Current Conditions (Covid 19)”, which was held on Saturday 13 February 2021.
4 Participated in the first quality week, which was held during the period from 23/2/2014 to 27/2/ 2014
- Participated in the eighth annual training course for professional development for faculty members, which was held at the Development Center during the period from 13-29 /12/2014
6 Participated in a workshop for building the strategy of the College of Physical Education and describing the program during the period from21_25/ 3/2020
- Participated in a workshop to conduct self-evaluation in the faculties and centers of the university according to the standards of the Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council during the period from 3 _ 8/4/20021
Research and scientific papers:
- Difficulties facing the implementation of the physical education lesson plan in the Amanat al-Asimah schools in the Ba’ina Republic. Al-Mohtaraf Magazine (Algeria) Eighth Edition 2015.
2 .The School Physical Education Program in developing and imparting positive values among secondary education students in the Republic of Yemen Journal of An-Najah University (Palestine) Volume 30 Issue 6 2016.
- The extent to which physical education teachers apply teaching competencies according to their different roles Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – King Saud University The second volume, the second issue 2018 .
4 .Study determining the fatigue index of some handball, basketball and volleyball players from the College of Physical Education at Sana’a University using repeated anaerobic effort King Saud University Journal – Volume Two, Second Issue, 2018 .
5 Huda the adequacy of material and human potentials School Physical Education Activities I have some schools in the Capital Secretariat, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, King Saud University in Saudi Arabia 2021 .
- The reality of the physical education class in basic education schools in Ibb governorate (an analytical study), the journal of sports sciences associated with the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tripoli.
- Obstacles to the practice of school sports activity for the secondary stage in the schools of Sana’a Governorate. The Fourth Virtual International Scientific Conference marked Liya “The reality of using teaching methods in institutes of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities through distance education under the current circumstances (Covid 19)”.
- Problems facing the implementation of school sports activities for the secondary stage in Sana’a Governorate.
- Obstacles to implementing school sports activities in the primary education stages in Sana’a Governorate.
- The effectiveness of the imperative and reciprocal teaching methods in improving some skill variables in volleyball among students of the Department of Physical Education at Hadhramout University.
- Professional conduct of coaches of group and individual games in the clubs of the capital, Sana’a, in the Republic of Yemen.
- The effectiveness of the imperative and reciprocal teaching methods in improving some physical variables in volleyball among students of the Department of Physical Education at Hadhramout University.
- The reality of teaching under the comprehensive quality standards from the point of view of faculty members at the College of Physical Education – Sana’a University.
- An evaluative study of the reality of the program of the College of Physical Education and Sports at Hodeidah University in light of the requirements and standards of comprehensive quality.
- The level of sports culture among secondary school students in the Shu’ub District in the capital, Sana’a.
- The role of graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education in improving administrative performance in sports federations.
- The effectiveness of teaching a proposed physical education and movement curriculum for the first year of basic education in light of their physical, skill and cognitive needs.
- The effectiveness of teaching the proposed physical education curriculum for the second grade of basic education in light of their physical, skill and cognitive needs.
- The reality of teaching in light of comprehensive quality standards from the point of view of faculty members at the College of Physical Education – Sana’a University.
- The educational efficiency of football coaches and its relationship to some psychological characteristics among young people in the clubs of the capital, Sana’a.
- An evaluative study of the reality of the program of the College of Physical Education at Sana’a University in light of the requirements and standards of comprehensive quality.
- Physical Abelites Indicators and Their Relation to the level of Athletic Achievement among the Yemeni National Football Junior Team.