Reem Abdullah Ateeq Salah Al-Masry
A graduate of 2013 AD, the decision to appoint a teaching assistant in the college was issued according to the decision to appoint the first students in 2019
In the process of completing her master’s studies, the player of the national judo team and the first player to achieve the gold medal in the judo game at the Arab level has done many works in the sports field, including the secretary general of the secretariat branch of the General Federation of Women’s Sports and a supervisor and trainer for the athletics and administrative girls ’team for many women’s sports teams .
Bachelor of Physical Education, first on batch, with a very good grade
Pre-Masters degree with honors
Sana’a University computer driving license
Junior Diploma in English Language
Teaching Assistant at the College of Physical Education
Player of the national judo team
Self Defense Trainer
Administrative of many women’s sports teams
Secretary General of the General Federation of Women’s Sports Branch
Athletic trainer
Administrative for women’s teams (handball, volleyball, table tennis, athletics, fencing)
A physical education school in Sana’a advanced schools
Conferences and Workshops:
Several training courses in arbitration and training in the sports field, as well as sports marketing, writing and reporting
Research and scientific papers:
Graduation note entitled / Obstacles to Professionalism in Yemeni Football.
In the process of preparing a master’s thesis entitled / The impact of a mathematical program on the personality traits of the moral delinquents of Dar Al-Tawjiah in the Capital Secretariat.