Abdulrazaq Mohammed Qaid Almarani
Member of Business admin. Dep., faculty of commerce since I graduated from Bradford University in Ph.D. in Philosophy business admin. In 1999.I got my BS’s degree from Sana’a University and my master in MMS from Canada. I also have been working as a deputy chairman for Custom Enforcement for more than 18 years. So, I have gained mix of academic and practical knowledge and experience.
1998 Ph.D. in the Philosophy of Management Studies in Culture and Recipes on Managerial Practices- A comparative studies between Yemeni and British universities and Manufacturing textile Companies.
The University of Bradford Management Centre
Bradford, England
1993 MMS Master of Management Studies in Strategic Decision Making: The Influence of multiple Criteria on the Success of the Decision
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada
1982 – 1985 B. A. in Economic and Political Science with honors. Sana’a University
Sana’a- Yemen
2006 A Certificate in Customs Fellowship (sharing good practices)
AKMAL, Malaysian Customs Centre
Malaka, Malaysia
- Teaching at the department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce and Economics in the area of Business Administration>
- Researching in the following fields:
- Culture and management Studies
- Decision-Making Processes Across Cultures
- Decision-making in Private and Public Sectors
- Re-Structuring organizations
- Decision-Making styles in the Arab Organizations
- Technology and organizational Modernization
- Experience in Developing and execution of Management seminars and specific workshops
- Experience in Customs’ Procedures:
- Customs automated Procedures and processes
- Valuation for customs procedures
- Negotiation for WTO Confession for Yemen Customs
- Res-structuring organizations and Moderation
- Boarder Control and Anti-Smuggled Goods and illegal Trades
- Good Experience in Managing Universities and Businesses Organizations
- Good Experience in Admissions and Registrations in Arab Universities
- Good Experience in Managing work groups in Public, private and Voluntary Organizations
- Good skills in dealing with computers systems
- Supervisors for Master and P.H.D students in Business Admin. Dep., CBA, CPPAD, Gender Centre-Sana’a University and many other Public and Private Yemeni Universities.
Conferences and Workshops:
-Faculty Scientific Conference, and many other local conferences and workshops in Business administration, and management and economic areas.
-Arab management conferences in U.K. And many other Arabic countries
-Customs procedures and good practices and WTO Negotiation in some Arab and European Countries, and USA.
Research and scientific papers:
- The Effect of Culture and Industry Recipes Upon Decision-Making: Comparative Study of English and Yemeni Universities and Manufacturers. A PhD Thesis presented to The University of Bradford Management Centre, Bradford- England 1999
- The influence of Multiple Criteria on the Success of the decision-Making processes. A Master Thesis in Management Studies presented to School of Business Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa-Canada 1993
- Authority in Yemeni management Organizations: A future trends. The Fifth Conference at Facility of Commerce and Economic, Sana’a University, Sana’a-Yemen 2000
- The role of Culture on Management Processes in Yemeni Organizations. The Philadelphia University Conference. Philadelphia University, Amman-Jordan 2001
- Many conferences locally (Yemen) and regionally in the area of management styles and decision-Making processes in the Arab organizations (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, etc.)
- Participated in the Arab Management Conferences, The University of Management Centre, Bradford-England (1994-1998).
Many Conferences in the area of customs procedures and Modernization- Customs valuation and automated Customs process -and customs borders controls and simplification