Abdulgawy Gassim Al-Gamy
Personal Information:
Assis. Prof. Dr. Abdulgawy Gassim Al-Gamy
- DM Diplôma. NEBOSH
Telephones: + 967-711-000080 – +967 779007878
WhatsApp + 967-770-939948
E-mail: ab.Al-Gamy@su.edu.ye
Nationality: Yemeni
- Senior consultant in internal medicine and diabetes.
- Assis. Professor of internal medicine and diabetes, Sana’a university
- Arab board in internal medicine 2011.
- Subspecialty in diabetes (Post graduate diploma in diabetes form Cardiff university. UK. Achieving the silver award) 2014 – 2015.
- NEBOSH certified. 2012.
- Member of the American diabetes association ADA.
- Member of European association for the study of diabetes ESAD.
- Member of the Arab association for the study of diabetes. AASD.
- WAS the Main medical consultant for IRC INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE.
- The main medical consultant for Tele Yemen company.
2014 – 2016* 2 years Diabetes diploma from Cardiff University UK. Achieving the silver award (2ed highest grade).
2012* NEBOSH (National examination board in occupational health and Safety) 3 parts.
2012* Course in ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Cairo, Egypt.
2011* Finished practical final exam of Arab board in internal medicine, Damascus, Syria.
2010* Part Two Yemeni Board of Internal Medicine.
2007* Part One Arabic Board of Internal Medicines – Master Degree, Syria
2007* Part One Yemeni Board of Internal Medicine.
2007* One Year Rheumatology course CME sponsored by NOVARTIS.
1997-2004* Bachelor Degree in medicine – Sana’a University.
1992-1996 * Grammar-school, Sana’a.
1997* Studying English language in the British council (first Cambridge certificate) Yemen
Senior consultant in internal medicine and diabetes since 2016.
Senior consultant in internal medicine and diabetes for several Private hospitals.
Medical consultant for several insurance companies, governmental and Oil companies.
Attending more than 100 conference, webinars and workshop in the year 2020 and 2021.
Conferences and Workshops:
2022 March-Speaker in the Yemeni Diabetes Association conference 2022.
2022 March-Attending the 18TH FASTING AND DIABETES CONFERENCE by the AASD and the AACME.
2022 March-Attending THYROEGYPT Conference.
2022 March-Attending Growth Panorama by ASPED.
2021 November-Attending PART3: Hypothyroidism by EDES.
2021 December-Attending IDF MENA CONGRESS 2021.
2021 December-Attending Pediatric Endocrinology webinar in Nutshell Wave 8.
2021 December-Attending Cardiometabolic Care 2021 by AASD.
2021 December-Attending ISE Webinar: Low-Risk Thyroid Cancer in adults: Update on Management.
2021 October-Attending pituitary care by EDES.
2021 September-Attending 5th virtual annual international digestive disease symposium DDI
2021 September-Attending 4th virtual annual diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease summit DOCS.
2021 November-Attending Allergy & Clinical Immunology Interest Group Meeting.
2021 November-Attending Obesity Clinic Academy.
2021 August-Attending Subclinical hypothyroidism across all age groups by Alexandria Thyroid Association.
2021 October-Attending the 22ed Emirates Thoracic Society ETS Scientific Meeting: Respiratory therapy.
2021 November-Attending ISE Webinar Highly sensitive thyroglobulin and anti-thyroglobulin antibody measurement in DTC management.
2021 October- Attending the 17th AASD conference.19 CME Credits.
2021 July – Attending thyroid Made Easy webinar by the EDES (Emirates diabetes Endocrine Society).
2021 July- Attending the systemic vasculitis webinar by ArLAR (Arab league of association for rheumatology).
2021 July – Attending the CardioMetabolic Academy webinar,part 4 by the EDES.
2021 June- Attending the GAED- Cushing’s disease webinar.
2021 June – Attending CardioMetabolic Academy webinar, part 3 by the EDES.
2021 May- Attending Rheumatoid arthritis webinar, by ArLAR.
2021 July – Attending Pediatric Endocrinology webinar in Nutshell Wave 7.
2021- Attending the Best of ADA conference by the ADA.
2021 June- Attending the BJOG Authors & Peer Reviewers by the Egyptian society of gynecology & obstetrics.
2021 June- Attending part 3 diabetes management in dyslipidemia webinar by EDA.
2021 June- Attending Transitioning hypopituitary patients from childhood to adulthood webinar by the ISE (International Society of Endocrinology).
2021 June- Attending Injectable Therapy webinar by the IDF MENA.
2021 Attending the virtual workshop on Diabetes Management Update by the AASD.
2021 February- Attending Emirates Neurology Virtual Conference.
2021 February- Attending the Growth-GIT Dialogue; When the endocrinologist meets the gastroenterologist by ASPED, WAVE 5.
2021 February- Attending Ramadan fasting: common endocrine disorders webinar by Alexandria thyroid association.
2021 March- Attending 9th International conference in vitamin D deficiency & Rickets.
2021 March- Attending the DaR Train the Trainer Workshop by DaR MENA.
2021 March- Attending the Arab league of associations for rheumatology e-Congress by Jordanian Society of Rheumatology and ArLAR.
2021 April- Attending Graves’ disease by Alexandria thyroid association.
2021 April- Attending accelerating diabetes prevention in the COVID-19 era webinar by IDF.
2021 May-Attending thyroid & pregnancy webinar by Alexandria thyroid association.
2021 June- Attending part 2: Management of dyslipidemia in special population/condition webinar.
2021 May- Attending T1D Updates webinar by IDF.
2020 June- Attending virtual cardio risk meeting wave 7 by EAVA.
2020 June- Attending FM Digital Forum: Pre-diabetes, diabetes & thyroid.
2020 June- Attending the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19 webinar.
2020 June- Attending the diabetes management in different clinical conditions by the Egyptian medical syndicate CME Committee.
2020 Attending 8 webinars on Rapid guide to management of cardiac patients during the COVID19 pandemic Egypt. (Position statement OF EsSC).
2020 June- Attending COVID19 and CARDIOVASCULAR diseases webinar by the Gulf heart association.
2020 June- Attending Thyroid Nodule webinar by the AACE (Arabian Association of clinical endocrinology).
2020 June- Attending multidisciplinary approach in managing diabetes, hypertension and comorbidities by the AASD.
2020 July- Attending the diabetes & the foot by IDF MENA Blue circle program.
2020 August- Attending Managing HTN in people with diabetes: current concepts by the AACE.
2020 August- Attending prevention of diabetes mellitus webinar by the IDF MENA.
2020 September- Attending neurology update webinar by ENS Emirates neurology society.
2020 October- Attending CardioAlex conference which is recognized by European board for accreditation in cardiology (EBAC).
2020 September- Attending; the evidence: Diabetes secondary care by the EDES.
2020 October- Attending Emirates diabetes society consensus guidelines workshop: the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus 2020.
2020 September- Attending The evidence: Diabetes primary care by the EDES.
2020 September- Attending The evidence: Diabetes prevention primary care.
2020 September- Attending the 56th annual EASD conference by the EASD.
2020 November- Attending the CReDO Conference Middle East North Africa (MENA) by the HARVARD Medical School.
2020 September- Attending the Excellence in obesity Management: latest Guidelines and practical considerations by the AACE.
2020 October- Attending The evidence: Thyroid disease primary care by EDES.
2020 November- Attending the ASPED GROWTH webinar; Syndromic short stature by ASPED (Arab Society for pediatric endocrinology & diabetes).
2020 December- Attending wave 3 medical and surgical aspects of bone diseases by ASPED.
2020 December- Attending hypothyroidism and pregnancy by Alexandria thyroid association.
2020 December- Attending Congenital hypothyroidism from genes to clinical practice wave 4 by ASPED.
2020 December- Attending Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches of adrenal diseases by EDS (Emirates Diabetes Society).
2020 December- Attending T2DM Early treatment Debate by IDF MENA.
2020 December- Attending Zagazig Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Unit webinar.
2020 Attending the 9th DaR International Alliance conference.
2020 December- Attending Blood glucose monitoring by IDF.
2016 Attending CardioAlex conference in Egypt with 20 credits.
2015 Attending Pan Arab Diabetes conference, Cairo, Egypt.
2014 Attending CardioAlex conference in Egypt with 20 credits.
2014 Attending the Year 1 diabetes diploma lectures, Shaiekh Khlefah hospital, Dubai.
2013 Attending symposium about the advances in the treatment of diabetes and HTN and hypothyroidism, Egypt.
2013 Attending symposium about management of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (Dubai UAE).
2013 Finished a course in Echocardiography (Cairo, Egypt).
2010 Certificate of Residency & Seniority in MICU – Al-Thawra General Hospital, Sana’a.
2009 Attending symposium about new era in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (Istanbul Turkey).
2007 A one-year course of Rheumatology by American Academy of Rheumatology (CME).
2005 Achieved the certificate of “The Best General Practitioner of the Year” – Modern German Hospital
Research and scientific papers:
- Pattern of malignancy in Yemen (Sana’a)in the medical department- Al-Thawrah General Hospital 2008.
- 6 professional individual reports within Cardiff university in Diabetes. غير منشوره
- 6 professional group reports within Cardiff university in Diabetes. غير منشوره
مستعد لعمل خمس بحوث او أكثر سنويا بشرط الحصول على من يقوم بأعمال التحضير والتنسيق والكتابة حيث ان البيانات موجودة لدي في برنامج عيادتي ومكان عملي
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