Jameel Al-Ghazaly
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
- Jameel Al-Ghazaly
- Professor of Internal Medicine and Hematology
- and Senior Consultant of Internal medicine and Hematology
- Date of birth: 15 June 1963-
- – Place of birth: Ba’adan district-Ibb city-Yemen
- – Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) 1987/1988, King Saud University (with degree of honor)
- – Internship, 1989 at King Khaled University Hospital (Excellent grade)
- – Hungarian Board of Internal Medicine (Budapest-Hungary, 1995 {excellent grade}
- – Hungarian Board of Hematology (Budapest, Hungary, 1998 {Excellent grade}
- Professor of Internal Medicine and hematology-Faculty of Medicine and health Sciences-Sana’a University (Teacher in June 1990 then assistant professor in March 1999 then associate professor in February 2014 then full professor in April 2021)
- Senior consultant of Internal Medicine and Hematology and Head of hematology Unit at Department of Medicine at AlGumhori Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen since 1999 till now and continuing
- Supervisor and trainer of Arab Board and Yemeni Board of Internal Medicine at Department of Medicine at AlGumhori teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen since 1999 till now and continuing
- Senior consultant at Dr. Jameel Al-Ghazaly Clinic in Sana’a, Yemen since 1999 till now and continuing
- A member of European Society of hematology
- A member of the Scientific Council of Yemeni National Cancer Control Foundation
Conferences and workshops:
Participation in more than 50 local and international conferences and workshops in Hemato-Oncology and Internal Medicine, among them the following:
- – Conferences of European society of Hematology in Europe
- – Conferences of Jordanian Society of hematology in Amman, Jordan
- – Conferences of Saudi society of Hematology in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- – Conferences of Emirates Society of Hematology in Dubai
- – Conferences of the World Federation of Hemophilia in Turkey and Europe
- – Workshops (CML preceptorship) on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in, Bologna, Italy and in Dubai
- – Workshops on Blood transfusion and Plasma derived products in Beirut, Lebanon and in Dubai
- – International conferences in Hemato-Oncology, in Aden, Yemen
- – International conference in Autoimmnity and autoimmune diseases in Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences- Sana’a University, in Sana’a, Yemen
- – Internal Medicine conference on preoperative medical evaluation at AlGumhori Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen
- – International conference in Cardiology at Ibb city, Sana’a, Yemen
Research publications in Hemato-Oncology and Internal Medicine in international scientific peer-reviewed journals indexed in Pubmed and Google scholar:
Google scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZGJuR_sAAAAJ&hl=en
Pubmed : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Al-Ghazaly+J&cauthor_id=17105490
Al-Ghazaly Jameel – Sana’a University, Faculty of Medicine and health sciences – HematologyInternal Medicine