Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed Al-Goby
Assistant Professor
Personal Information:
Name: DR. Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed Al-Goby
Date of birth: December 23rd, 1963.
Job: Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at Medical College, Sana’a University and Senior Consultant of Internal Medicine and Cardiology.
Telephone: 00967-777766013.
Email: M.Al-Goby@su.edu.ye
- Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed Al-Goby was born in Ammran, Yemen in December 23rd, 1963, studied in Ammran till graduated from Al- Zobeiry secondary School in 1982. He studied Medicine at Medical College, Sana’a University in the first group of students in the Medical College in 1983/1984 and graduated on December 1989 (M.B: B.Ch in general Medicine and Surgery). He did Residency program in Internal Medicine at Jordan University Hospital from July 1st, 1992 till June 30th, 1996, where he awarded the Certificate of the higher specialization in Internal Medicine (MD in Internal Medicine), on June 1996, from Jordan University, Amman, Jordan. He worked as Internal Medicine Consultant at Al-Thawrah, teaching Hospital from September 1996 till June 2002, and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine department, at Medical College, Sana’a University since 1999. He did a fellow-ship program in invasive and non-invasive adult Cardiology from August 1st, 2002 till July 30th, 2005 at Jordan University Hospital, Amman, Jordan. Since 2007, he is an Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at Medical College, Sana’a University and Cardiologist Consultant at Al-Kuwait Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen. He worked as a Cardiology Consultant at Science and Technology University Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen since March 2008 till October 11th, 2011. He worked as a Senior Cardiology Consultant at Science and Technology Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen since December 4th, 2018 till June 30th 2020.
- B: B.Ch: obtained on December 1989, Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University, Yemen.
- Certificate of the higher specialization in Internal Medicine (MD in Internal Medicine), obtained on June 1996, from Jordan University, Amman, Jordan.
- Sub-specialty in invasive and non-invasive cardiology at Jordan University Hospital from August 1st 2002 till July 30th 2005.
- Internship from March 1st 1990 till February 30th 1991, at Al-Thawrah, teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Residency in Internal Medicine department: from March 1st, 1991 till June 15th, 1992, at Al-Thawrah, teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Residency program in Internal Medicine: from July 1st, 1992 till June 30th, 1996 at Jordan University Hospital, Amman, Jordan.
- Internal Medicine Consultant at Al-Thawrah, teaching Hospital from September 1996 till June 2002, and during the period from July 1st 2001 and July 30th 2002,I was a consultant in Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU ) at Al-Thawrah, teaching hospital.
- Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine department, at Medical College, Sana’a University since 1999.
- A fellow-ship program in invasive and non-invasive adult Cardiology including pre and post cath evaluation, right heart cath, coronary angiography, PCI, Echocardiography, stress test, Holter monitoring , Pediatric cardiology, research , and outpatient and Coronary Care Unit care: from August 1st, 2002 till July 30th, 2005 at Jordan University Hospital, Amman, Jordan.
- I was involved in teaching of medical students, internal medicine residents in Jordan University Hospital during fellow ship in Cardiology. I also regularly attended the Cath and echo conferences and the national cardiology meetings in Jordan.
- Elective Training in Cardiology: from September 2005 till February 2006 in Cardiology department, Jordan Hospital, Amman, Jordan.
- A training course on university teaching: methods and techniques, teaching technology and evaluation (52 hours) during the period from April 15 to May 6, 2007 at the University Education Development Center – Sana’a University
- Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at Medical college, Sana’a University and Cardiologist Consultant at Al-Kuwait Teaching Hospital, Sana’a since 2007 till now.
- Cardiologist consultant at Science and Technology University Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen since March 2008 till October 11th, 2011.
- A course of Transesophageal echocardiography and coronary CT- angiography: from July 25th till August 8th 2009 in Florence in Italy.
- Coordinator of Internal Medicine for 3rd year nursing students, Sana’a University since 2018 till now.
- Senior Consultant of Cardiology at Science and Technology Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen since December 4th, 2018 till June 30th
Conferences and Workshops:
- The 6th International Conference of the Jordan Cardiac Society: from 15-17 October 2002, Amman, Jordan.
- The 7th International Conference of the Jordan Cardiac Society: from 1-4 June 2004, Amman, Jordan.
- First Yemen-Turkey Cardiovascular Congress (YT-CVC): from 21-22 November 2012, Sana’a, Yemen.
- 14th Gulf Heart Association Conference (Live Transmission): 11-13 January, 2018.
- Hypertension day: 25th April 2018, at Al-Kuwait University Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Cardio Ibb 2018: from 11th -13th of September 2018, Jeblah University Hospital, Ibb, Yemen (Participant).
- 2nd Yemeni Cardiac Imaging Conference: from 18-19 December, 2019, Sana’a, Yemen.
- The Second Joint of Gulf Heart Association/ European Society of Cardiology from 12-13 October 2018 (Live Transmission).
- ACC_THAMAR: The First Annual Cardiac Conference: from 25-26 August, 2021 at Thamar University, Thamar, Yemen.
- Cardiac Alex 20: from 7-9 October 2020, Alexandria, Egypt.
- 21st Annual International Congress of the Egyptian Heart Failure Working Group: November 2020.
- Diabetes Prevention and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: November 20th 2020, by Dubai Health Authority (Webinar).
- 2nd Annual Heart Failure Symposium November 26th , 2020, Sana’a , Yemen.
- Cardio Assiut 2020: from 2-4 December 2020, Assiut, Egypt.
- Cairo CTO: 18th -19th December 2020, Cairo, Egypt.
- Coronary Intervention Symposium: 4th March 2021, Sana’a, Yemen.
- 6th International congress of the Jordanian Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (JSED): from 3-5 June 2021, Amman, Jordan (Virtual).
- THE BEST OF THE ACC 2021 WIBNARS: Organized by the American College of Cardiology (ACC), Jordan chapter in collaboration with Jordan Cardiac Society: from 16-17 August 2021, Amman, Jordan.
- 4th Scientific Conference of the Military Cardiac Center and 4th Yemeni Cardiac Imaging Conference: from 13-16 December 2021 on Faculty of Medicine and health Sciences, Sana’a University.
Research and scientific papers:
- Al-Goby MA, Al-Mousa E N. A Case Study of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in 35- Year-Old Postpartum female. SUJMS 2018; 12 (1+2): 1-4.
- Al-Sharafi B A, Algoby M A, and Salem K. Glycemic Control, Medication Use and Obesity among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Presenting to an Endocrinology Clinic during the War in Yemen. J Diab Res Ther 2020; 6 (2):1-8.
- Al-Sharafi BA, Alemad SA, Algoby MA, Al-Yousfi NA. Managing patients with Diabetes Mellitus after a cholera attack: A retrospective analysis in a tertiary center and specialty clinic in Sana’a Yemen. J Diabetes Treat 2020; 5(01): 1-4.