Eyad Nabeel Ebrahim Aqlan Alsuhaiby
Lecturer in private universities (Faculty) of commerce, Sana’a Yemen, and the subjects I teach are (principles) of Business Administration-principles of Marketing Management- Methods and Methods of Scientific Research- principles of Behavioral Scientific- Management of production and Operations- Management of purchases and Stores- Agricultural Marketing- Marketing Strategies, and product Marketing).
Holds Diploma in the international Computer Driving License-Taiz-Institute, and holds (Level6) in English language-Al Zaeem Center- Khartoum, and a course in modern methods and mechanisms in ranking- University of Sudan, and a course in statistical anticipation- Sana’a.
PhD in Business Administration (Specialization in Marketing Management)-National Ribat University-Sudan-2020 AD, Master of Business, Administration University of Science Technology- Yemen-2018 AD, Higher Diploma in Business Administration University of Science Technology- Yemen-2017, and BA in Marketing Management Taiz University-2014 AD.
A member of the faculty at the Faculty of Commerce and Economics (Sana’a University-Yemen), and a member of the Consultative office for Scientific Research- Yemen-2017 AD until the Present time, is charged with the ability to work in the statistical program (Spss).
Conferences and Workshops:
-A workshop on the mechanism of describing courses in accordance with the requirements and standards of the Academic Accreditation Council.
– A workshop for publicizing the strategic directions of the faculties and reviewing and updating the description of academic programs.
Research and scientific papers:
-The impact of the quality of banking services on customer satisfaction, building a mental image, “a field study in banks operating in Sana’a,” the Arab Journal of Science and Technology, the National Research Center, Gaza.
-A study of the quality of banking services in the mental image, a field study in Islamic banks, Sana’a-Journal of Social Studies-Sana’a.
Research and scientific papers:
– The impact of strategic management on empowering workers in commercial banks in Yemen, National University.
– The Role of Administrative Creativity in Improving Job performance in Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Queen Arwa University.