ايقونة مرأة – ملونه

Faiza Saeed Mohsen Asker

Associate Professor

Personal Information:

Faiza Saeed Mohsen Asker

Born in Ebb 1975

Married with 3 children


Tel: 711889536




Graduated from Sana’a university 2000

Teaching coordinator 2003

Arab Board in Medicine first part in 2004 & second part in 2008

Assistant prof 2014

Associated prof 2020


Experience: I work  in medical  department  in kwuaite  university hospital  as assistant for the teaching coordinator for 4th , 6th year

I prepare the clinical examinations  for final undergraduate  &post graduate examinations

I am a trainer for Yemeni & Arab board candidates since 2008 until now & I I am one of the exam

Conferences and Workshops:

The 1st  Yemeni –Saudi conference of Allergy  &  clinical immunology  25-26 May 2005


-The 10th   Annual  meeting  of The Egyptian Hypertension   Society  jointly with  The world hypertension  League  ,Regional meeting 5-7 April 2006

Dyslipidemia  day meeting  14 June 2012


– Rheumatic  heart disease  prevention  symposium , Dec ,4.2014 and I participate  by  Infective Endocarditis prophylaxis  

Heart failure Symposium  , 20 Aug,2015 & I participate by  Cardiac drugs and kidney

-5th hypertension symposium  8/8/2016   and I participate by Psuedopheochromocytoma                                      

-1st   Yemeni  Cardiac  Imaging  Conference , 22-23 Nov 2017


2nd  Yemeni  Cardiac  Imaging  Conference , Dec 18-19,2019


-The 1st  Military cardiac  center  Scientific  Meeting  4/5/2017


3rd  Annual Heart failure  symposium 10 Feb,2022

-The annual  conference  of cardiac center & 3rd  Yemeni cardiac imaging  conference  5-7 Oct-2021 & I participate by Colchicine & the heart


-1st ECG symposium   in advanced  ECG-part of CME  ,17 march 2022

– Attendant in  ( ESC  conferences ) in  Germany , Stockholm .



-I had participated in the training course of  research  Methodology  & Scientific paper writing  17-22 Feb 2007

-Transthorasic Echo  22 ,Nov ,2017

-Teaching & Learning   Strategies workshop 5-9 June/2021

-Workshop in new trends in  assessment methodologies ,march ,20-22-2022


Research and scientific papers:

1- High density  lipoprotein  (HDL) cholesterol  level  among  patients with  acute coronary syndrome , admitted  to coronary  unit in Kuwait university hospital  2015 -2017 published in  International cardiovascular  research 2019,8:3.


2- Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis infection  among  Health workers at Althawra Modern  general  Hospital , Sana’a –Yemen 2016 .Published  in Nursing and Health care  Journal , Volume 4 Issue 1 / PDF 128/ Pages 5


3-Acute MI: clinical characteristics, management practice and in hospital outcome in governmental hospital in Sana’a city.  published in Tanta Medical journal ,Vol (37), January 2009.


      4-Effect of Chewing Khat in changing circadian rhythm for acute myocardial infarction patients in Sana’a city and it’s role as a risk for AMI in Yemen.  published in  Journal of  the Arab Board  of medical specializations  Vol.10, No.1,2009


5- The prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in patients  with  stroke published in Journal of the Arab board  of health specialization . Vol 11,No4,2010.. ISSN 1561-0217.


6– Screening  of hepatitis  B & C iin hemodialysis unit in Al-thawra  general hospital  Sana’a 2005 . published in Journal of Arab board for health sepcilization   ,volume 10, number 2, 2009.  ISSN 1561 – 0217.


7-Infective endocarditis: clinical features of Yemeni patients, and outcome with empirical therapy  published in heart views: the official journal of the gulf heart association {VOl.11 No.1. may 2010}).


8-Takayasu’s Artritis Associated with Tuberculosis in a young Yemeni woman .Case report .www×76804


       9-Uncontrolled hypertension  among treated hypertensive  patients  published in  clinical cardiology & cardiovascular  medicine , volume 2 Issue 1/ PDF -114/ pages 5 . ISSN 2639- 6807.


          10-The prevalence  of atrial  fibrillation  among acute  medical  admission  in Kuwait  University  Hospital  in Sana’a city (1st Researcher ) published in  clinical cardiology & cardiovascular  medicine , volume 2 Issue 1/ PDF -112/ pages 3 . ISSN 2639- 6807.


11-The prevalence  of left ventricular  thrombus among heart failure patients  admitted to Kuwait teaching  hospital  in  Sana’a  city  between  January  2014 -2017 ( 1st researcher ) , published  in  Nursing & Health care , volume 4 issue 1 /PDF 134/ Pages 6 . ISSN: 2573-3877.

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