Ms. Sahar Muhammad Ahmad Lutfallah Al-Jawfi successfully completed her Master’s degree in Sociology, majoring in Family Sociology

Ms. Sahar Muhammad Ahmad Lutfallah Al-Jawfi successfully completed her Master’s degree in Sociology, majoring in Family Sociology, at the Faculty of Arts, Sana’a University, achieving an outstanding grade of 94%.
Her thesis, entitled “Social and Economic Variables and Their Impact on the Yemeni Family during 1990-2015:
A Comparative Study in Rural and Urban Areas, The Capital Secretariat as a Model”, was defended on Monday, 14 Safar 1446 Hijri corresponding to 19 August 2024).
The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
1. Professor Dr. Nouria Ali Hamad, Main Supervisor, Member
2. Professor Dr. Dhikra Abdul-Jabbar Al-Ariqi, External Examiner, Chair.
3. Professor Dr. Afif Ahmed Al-Haimi, Internal Examiner, Member
The primary objective of the thesis was to investigate the influence of social and economic variables on the contemporary Yemeni family. The research yielded several significant findings, including:
1. An increase in the university education index at both rural and urban levels, indicating an expansion of the educational sector in these areas.
2. The contemporary Yemeni family is influenced by family size, demonstrating a trend toward nuclear family structures.
3. The contemporary Yemeni family is also affected by income levels, as evidenced by high poverty and unemployment rates, which contribute to a declining standard of living among family members and shifts in familial roles.
In her thesis, the researcher proposed several recommendations:
1. Enhancing the educational role of schools as social institutions that convey intellectual, ethical, civilizational, and humanitarian values to foster social values among students.
2. Improving the economic conditions of Yemeni families by addressing poverty and unemployment among their members.
3. Strengthening familial relationships within communities and promoting values of cooperation and social solidarity to effectively address current social and economic challenges.
The Viva-Voce was attended by a number of audience, including academics, researchers, students, and members of the researcher’s family and colleagues.