About the University
Sana’a University
It is the first university, which was opened in North Yemen (before the Unity). It currently includes more than 124 majors and scientific departments in which almost eighty thousand students are taught. The University is entrusted with the task of preparing qualified and trained cadres who contribute to the development process in various fields. The University started with limited specializations, but the development it witnessed reflected its role in meeting the society requirements, by expanding the faculties and specializations to include many academic theoretical and practical programs. In addition, a number of academic and specialized centers were established. Due to the importance of the University’s role, many subsidiary colleges have been established in several governorates, some of which have become independent universities today. Now, Sana’a University consists of twenty-two faculties, twelve of them are located in the main campus in Sana’a city, and ten are branch campuses. The University did not stop at the stage of granting the first university degree, but started in the early eighties by granting postgraduate degrees, starting with PG diplomas, and then awarded Masters’ and PhD degrees in many disciplines from most faculties.
University vision
Sana’a University (SU) aspires to achieve a national leading role in teaching, learning, scientific research and community service; and to be among the best regional universities and the foremost house of expertise and think tank in Yemen.
University Mission
To contribute to the sustainable development efforts by providing an accredited higher education environment and excellent research services within a fruitful national partnership based on transparency, professionalism and creativity.
Strategic goals
1- Automatizing and modeling the institutional performance inputs and outcomes.
2- Adopting principles of strategic planning in managing improvement and performance appraisal.
3- Consolidating university values in institutional performance.
4- Reviewing and updating regulations and procedures to reduce bureaucracy and create an effective regulatory environment.
Overall Goals
Sana’a University seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- To provide specialized and in-depth academic opportunities for students in different fields of knowledge to meet the country’s needs of specialists, technicians and experts, with a special focus on:
- boosting the level and quality of education and qualification tasks.
- Creating a general culture aiming at developing the elements of sound Islamic personality and the proper cognitive and scientific training.
- Stabilizing the true Islamic vision emanating from the broad horizons of Islamic knowledge and its perception of the universe, man and life.
- Developing innovative and critical scientific thinking skills.
- Providing students with the required knowledge as well as scientific and practical skills for solving problems effectively and efficiently.
- Enabling students to carry out, implement and assess scientific research methods.
- Developing positive talents and skills towards working in general with special focus on promoting the spirit of cooperation, collective action, effective leadership, sense of responsibility and ethical commitment.
- Developing positive attitudes towards science and technology, their rapid developments and how to utilize them for developing and solving problems of the Yemeni environment and society.
- Developing the students’ positive attitude towards the concept of self-learning and lifelong learning.
- To cherish Arabic language, its teaching and development; and mainstream its use as the language of science and education in various arenas of knowledge, as a vehicle for cultural meanings, values and ethics of the Arab-Islamic civilization.
- To develop knowledge through engaging in multidisciplinary research, both individually and collectively, and directing them towards serving the community needs and development plans.
- To nurture the development of technology and its utilization in the community development.
- To promote the activities of authorship, translation and publishing in various fields of knowledge with special emphasis on the Yemeni heritage.
- To contribute to the promotion of arts, literature and the advancement of sciences.
- To offer an academic atmosphere conducive to the freedom of thought, expression and publication in a way that does not contradict with the lofty values and elevated ideals of Islam.
- To strengthen relations with universities and public and private institutions in the country to ensure a mutual and constructive interaction of knowledge, expertise, resources and participation that will guarantee effective contribution to the comprehensive development of the country.
- To strengthen scientific and cultural ties with Arab and foreign universities, scientific bodies, and research and development centers, with a view to developing Sana’a University and enhancing its prominence.
- To offer technical and specialized studies and consultations for various public and mixed-sector institutions.
- To contribute to the development of policies and ways of work in institutions of both public and private sectors, providing models and innovative experiments to solve various problems.
- To promote the efficiency of employees in public and private institutions and agencies, by contributing to the development of in-service preparation and qualification programs.
University Core Values
Using creative and innovative methods to achieve a wide-ranging social impact through community problem-solving with implementable scientific ideas.
Collective work
Working in a team spirit, joining efforts, improving communication and dialogue techniques, and participating in shouldering responsibility and exchanging expertise.
Emphasizing on community partnership, national and international cooperation relations, and flexibility and response to the needs of beneficiaries.
Maintaining a transparent and open approach in dealing with all beneficiaries on the basis of a clearly identified assessment and accountability mechanism.
Abiding by professional ethics, efficient performance, dedication, diligence, discipline, self-development, and ongoing learning.
Promoting unlimited intellectual activity with a set of skills that can be used in seeking solutions to make a judgment on the value of an object, reach a conclusion, or circulate a decision.
Strategic goals
The Strategic Goals of Sana'a University
The First Goal: Achieving national leadership in standard-based for development needs.
– Providing a university learning environment that stimulates critical and creative thinking.
– Offering accredited academic programs that meet quality standards and the needs of comprehensive development
– Developing and diversifying educational and learning opportunities and sources.
– Enriching university life with activities and events that encourage participation and constructive interaction.
– Working for a gradual transition from teaching to learning.
The Second Goal: Achieving efficiency and adequacy in the university's human, financial and material resources. Objectives:
– Developing, diversifying and investing the University’s financial resources.
– Developing and implementing an effective financial and administrative planning system that achieves the University’s goals of leadership and distinction.
– Planning and activating human resources, focusing on professional development and continuous evaluation.
– Completing the University campus infrastructure, developing its services and modernizing its equipment and material resources.
The Third Goal: Promoting scientific research and graduate studies in accordance with development priorities. Objectives:
– Developing the University’s capabilities in producing knowledge and localizing technology.
– Building scientific research capabilities and linking it to community problems and development priorities.
– Providing accredited postgraduate programs that meet quality standards and development needs.
– Improving the University’s level in the regional and international ranking of universities.
– Promoting the University’s scientific, intellectual and research contributions as a national and regional expertise house.
Fourth Goal: Enhancing the University’s effectiveness at the national and regional levels Objectives :
– Achieving national partnership with various public, private and civil sectors and institutions.
– Developing frameworks for strategic international relations and cooperation with prestigious international universities and institutions.
– Building the University’s capacities, its faculties and centers to provide a pioneering community service.
– Activating the partnership on campus between colleges, centers and departments.