Saif-Aldeen Kareem ZUGHAIR obtained the Master degree in the major of Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics

Tuesday, Rabi-Awal 14th 1446H, September 17th, 2024, the candidate researcher/
Saif-Aldeen Kareem ZUGHAIR
obtained the Master degree in the major of Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics from the Department of: Orthodontic, Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Sanaa University,
for his Master’s thesis entitled:
Reliability of Automatic Cephalometric Tracing in Comparison with an Android-based Application in a group of Orthodontic Patients
The examining committee consisted of:
● Dr. Rami Abdul-Rahman Issehaq, Principle Supervisor Committee Member,
● Associate Professor Khaled AL-DHORAYI, External Examiner Head of Committee, and
● Associate Professor Fuad AL-MUTARREB, Internal Examiner Committee Member.
The Master’s thesis aims at evaluating the reliability and accuracy of three different computerized cephalometric software WebCeph, Automatic and Simi-automatic with OneCeph App manual landmark tracing approach. It also aims at determining the inter-examiner error amongst the three techniques.
The study comes out with some results, of which: An automated cephalometric measurements obtained from “WebCeph”™ are fairly accurate as compared to digital manual tracing, in most of measured points, angles, and lines. It also shows to be a time saver in a variety of ways, and it is a promising tool for facilitating cephalometric tracing in routine clinical practice. Yet, the semi-automatic WebCeph can overcome some limitations of the automatic WebCeph. However, such a method must be used for cephalometric analysis with a great deal of caution.
The researcher presents a number of recommendations at the end of this Master’s thesis, of which:
– The need for future further studies on using the Artificial Intelligence programs in orthodontics.
Attendees of the session were a number of academics, researchers, students of the major, the researcher’s colleagues and some of family members.
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