University Council Approves New Policies for Faculty Appointments and Promotions, Greenlights New PhD Programs, Ratified Graduate Lists, and Mandates Video Recording of Lectures and Online Publication

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
Chaired by Prof. Al-Kasem Mohammed Abass, Sana’a University Council held its third meeting for the academic year 1446 Hijri (2024/2025). During this meeting, several regulations for appointments and promotions were approved. New faculty appointments require a PhD or MD degree, and for those appointed as assistant professors who hold Board certification, promotion to the post of associate professor requires the publication of three research papers in Scopus, SJR, or Clarivate, with the candidate as the first author being the.
Additionally, the Council approved granting Doctoral and Master’s degrees to nineteen students from different colleges. It also ratified the graduate lists for the academic year 1445 Hijri (2023/2024) from the following faculties: Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Petroleum, Faculty of Education (Khawlan), Faculty of Mass Communication, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Sharia and Law, and Faculty of Engineering.
Moreover, the Council approved two graduate programs: a PhD program in the Faculty of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics Department) and an academic PhD program at the Public Administration Center.
The Council also mandated the video recording of lectures in all faculties and their online publication on the University’s websites.
Furthermore, the Council approved the structure, tasks, and responsibilities of the Accounting Department within the General Administration of Financial Affairs at the University.
Then, a number of topics were discussed regarding increasing publications in globally ranked journals and Sana’a University journals, as well as matters related to graduate studies, student affairs, and center affairs, with appropriate decisions made accordingly.