Public MA. Viva-Voce Examination of Alham Muhammad Abdullah Hussein Al-Farah

Ms. Alham Muhammad Abdullah Hussein Al-Farah obtained a Master’s degree with an excellent grade in the Department of Special Education, at the Univetsity Service Center for Students with Special Needs – Sana’a University, for her thesis entitled “Difficulties in Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students at Public Education Schools in the Capital Secretariat”, on Thursday, 5 Jumada Al-Awwal 1446 AH, corresponding to 11/7/2024 AD.
The viva voce committee consisted of Dr. Ali Abdul-Malik Abbas as an internal examiner and member of the committee, Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Sahlol, the main supervisor and member of the committee, and Dr. Tamim Yahya Al-Basha, the external examiner and chairperson of the committee.
The thesis aimed to identify the most important difficulties facing teaching mathematics to blind students in the primary stage in the capital Secretariat and to identify the most important reasons that led to their failure to continue studying it to the stages following the primary stage.
The study concluded with a number of results, including: the existence of a positive correlation between life orientation and psychological flexibility among students of the Faculty of Education, Sana’a University. The results showed also that teachers face significant difficulties in teaching mathematics to the blind, as difficulties related to educational methods and means came in first place, followed by difficulties related to curricula in second place, then difficulties related to the teacher in third rank, and finally difficulties related to students. The discussion was attended by many academics, researchers, students, and interested parties, as well as a number of the student’s colleagues and family members.
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