Public MA Viva-Voice Examination of Ms. Kareema Abdulraqeeb Abdo Darmoush

The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the MA Thesis hereto entitled: ” Entrepreneurial Leadership and Its Relationship to the Administrative Performance of the Private School Education Principals in Alamana’, submitted by Ms. Kareema Abdulraqeeb Abdo Darmoush Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Education –Sana’a, was held on Thursday, 25/05/1446 Hijri corresponding to 26/12/2024. The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No. | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Prof. Mohammed Abdullah Homaid | External examiner | Hajjah University | Chair |
2 | Assoc. Prof. Ali Yahya Sharafadeen | Internal Examiner | Sana’a University | Member |
3 | Assoc. Prof. Abdulkhaliq Aldoais | Co-Supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
The study aimed at identifying the degree of availability of the entrepreneurial leadership and its relationship to the administrative performance of the private school education principals in Alamana from the point of view of teachers and administrators.
The study concluded a number of results as: the degree of availability of the entrepreneurial leadership in its dimensions: (the strategic vision, risk-taking and proactiveness, and opportunities investment) came with a high statistical significance, and the reality of the administrative performance of the private school education principals in Alamana in the light of Hallinger scale came with a high statistical significance. The results also showed that there was a direct correlation relationship between the entrepreneurial leadership and the administrative performance that reflects a strong relationship between them.
The study provided a number of recommendations as: holding training courses for administrators and supervisors to enhance entrepreneurial leadership in light of the experiences of developed countries in order to advance their educational leadership and encourage workers in private educational institutions to undertake any risky entrepreneurial initiatives.
The MA thesis / PhD dissertation has been examined and is recommended by the Viva-Voce Committee for acceptance and approval. The Candidate was recommended to be awarded the degree of Master Degree majoring in Educational Planning and Administration with an overall grade of 95%.
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