\Public PhD Viva-Voice Examination of Ms. Ne’ama Ahmed Mohammed Almuntaser

The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the PhD Dissertation hereto entitled: ” Participatory Planning and Its Relationship to Achieving the Aims of the Educational Strategy in Technical and Vocational Institutes in Yemen in the Dimensions of the Sustainable Development”, submitted by Ms. Ne’ama Ahmed Mohammed Almuntaser Department of Educational Planning and Adminstration, Faculty of Education –Sana’a, was held on Wednesday, 01/07/1446 Hijri corresponding to 01/01/2025. The Viva-Voice Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No. | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Prof. Abdulrahman Alshajabi | External examiner | Sana’a University | Chair |
2 | Assoc. Prof. Nada Mansour Khushafa | External Examiner | Ibb University | Member |
3 | Prof. Mansour Qasim Almadhaji | Main Supervisor | Amran University | Member |
The study aimed at discovering the mediating role of the sustainable development dimensions in the relationship between the participatory planning and the achievement of the educational strategies aims in the technical and vocational institutes in Yemen by evaluating the reality of applying the participatory planning and measuring the degree of achieving aims of the educational strategies.
The study has concluded a number of findings: the reality of applying the participatory planning, the level of achieving the educational strategies aims, and applying the sustainable development dimensions were high in general, with variation in the evaluation of the different dimensions. The findings also concluded that there is statistically significant difference in the opinions of the sample of the study regarding the participatory planning due to gender for the sake of males, and there is statistically significant difference due to qualification in favor of the qualification less than a bachelor’s degree compared to those with postgraduate studies.
The study recommended a number of Recommendations as: enhancing the worker’s awareness of the importance of applying the participatory planning by conducting workshops and continuous training and enhancing economic sustainability by adopting sustainable financial policies.
The PhD dissertation has been examined and is recommended by the Viva-Voce Committee for acceptance and approval. The Candidate was recommended to be awarded the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in Education majoring in Educational Planning and Administration. Translated by: Prof. Fazee Almuslimi