Public MA Viva-Voice Examination of Ms. Wafa’a Ali Mohammed Alkurs

The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the MA Thesis hereto entitled: ” The reality of Strategic Renewal and Its Relationship with Crisis Administration at Yemeni Universities in the Capital, Sana’a“, submitted by Ms. Wafa’a Ali Mohammed Alqurs Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Education –Sana’a, was held on Wednesday, 20/08/1446 Hijri corresponding to 19/02/2025. The Viva-Voice Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No. | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Prof. Abdulazi Abdulhadi Alameri | External examiner | Hajjah University | Chair |
2 | Prof.. Abduljabbar Altaib Ameen | Internal Examiner | Sana’a University | Member |
3 | Dr. Fathia Ahmed Alelaya | Co-Supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
The study aimed at:-
- identifying the relationship between strategic renewal and crisis management in Yemeni universities in the capital Sanaa,
- highlighting the reality of practicing strategic renewal in its dimensions (exploration, exploitation of opportunities, entrepreneurship, participatory leadership),
- as well as knowing the level of application of the dimensions of crisis management in its dimensions (detecting warning signals, preparedness and prevention, containing and reducing damage, restoring activity, benefiting and learning).
The study concluded a set of results as: there was a strong positive correlation of (92) between the strategic renewal and the dimensions of crisis administration in the Yemeni universities under investigation. The Yemeni universities studied practice strategic renewal in all its dimensions, where the arithmetic average ranged between (3.20-4.41) with a high verbal estimate. There was interest in applying crisis administration to a high degree for its dimensions (containing and reducing damage, benefiting and learning, restoring activity), where the arithmetic average ranged between (3.41_4.20) with a high verbal rating. The interest in the dimensions (exploring warning signals, preparedness and prevention) was moderate, and there were differences in the responses of the study sample members according to the variable (age) in the two study variables (strategic renewal, crisis administration). There were also differences in the answers of the study sample members according to the academic qualification variable regarding strategic renewal. There were no differences between the answers of the study sample members according to the variables (gender, job title, number of years of experience) regarding strategic renewal.
. Many recommendations were suggested as: the necessity to direct more attention towards the practice of strategic renewal so that the Yemeni universities surveyed can manage crises, develop training programs to raise awareness and leadership skills in strategic renewal and crisis administration, and increase awareness among leaders and workers of the concept of crisis administration and the types of crises that universities go through, their stages, and how to confront them.
A number of academics, the department head, some researchers, students, interested people, and a number of the candidates’ colleagues and family members attended the viva.
The MA thesis has been examined and is recommended by the Viva-Voce Committee for acceptance and approval. The Candidate was recommended to be awarded the degree of Master Degree majoring in Educational Planning and Administration with an overall grade of 95%.