Master’s Degree in Public International Law for Researcher Hamam Al-Safwani

Researcher Hamam Jamil Qasim Farea Al-Safwani was awarded a Master’s degree in Public Law from the Faculty of Sharia and Law at Sana’a University for his thesis entitled: “Combating Corruption in Light of the United Nations Convention against Corruption: An Applied Study based on the Yemeni situation,” on Thursday, 14 Sha’ban 1446 AH, corresponding to February 13, 2025 AD.
The discussion and evaluation committee consisted of the following professors:
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Qasim Al-Hamidi, External Examiner – Taiz University, Chairman.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Naji Al-Awaj, Main Supervisor – Sana’a University, Member.
Dr. Khaled Mohammed Al-Kumaim, Internal Examiner – Sana’a University, Member.
The thesis aimed to identify the causes of corruption, the factors contributing to its spread, the United Nations Convention against Corruption, its implementation mechanisms, and the extent of its success in reducing corruption. It also aimed to identify the functions and work of monitoring bodies in Yemen, the role they play in reducing corruption, and the causes and factors of its persistence.
The thesis comes out with a set of findings, the most important of which are the following:
* The causes of corruption are divided into political, legal, administrative, social, and economic causes.
* There are multiple negative effects of corruption, including political, legal, administrative, social, economic, and personal effects.
* Yemen has codified most of the general and specific preventive measures for the public sector stipulated in the United Nations Convention against Corruption, unlike the measures for the private sector, which have not been codified.
* The most important general mechanisms for combating corruption are accountability, transparency, integrity, and governanc.
The study offered a set of recommendations, the most important of which are:
* States, particularly Yemen, and specialized international organizations should double international efforts and international cooperation in the field of combating corruption.
* Merging the three monitoring bodies (the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption, the Central Organization for Control and Auditing, and the Supreme Authority for Oversight of Tenders and Auctions) in one entity is recommended.
The discussion was attended by a number of academics, researchers, students, and interested individuals, as well as a number of the student’s colleagues and family members.
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