Public MSc Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Abdulmalik Mansour Nasser Halif

The Public Viva-Voce Examination for the MSc Dissertation entitled, “Studying the Radioactive Activity and Annual Effective Dose Due to Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides in Milk Samples Consumed in Yemen ”, submitted by Mr. Abdulmalik Mansour Nasser Hallif, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, was held on Saturday 17/08/1446 Hijri corresponding to 15/02/2025. The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
# | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Ass. Prof. Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Dhais | Internal Examiner | Sana’a University | Chair |
2 | Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Qasem Al-Mutawakel | Main supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
3 | Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Ali Saif | External Examiner | Amran University | Member |
The study aimed to :
- measure the levels of radioactivity in 20 locally consumed milk samples.
- calculate the annual effective dose rate based on age groups and consumption quantities.
- compare the radiation levels with previous studies and research, and to compare the dose with international limits and recommendations of global organizations.
- provide valuable information about the radiation levels in milk, for its importance as a food source, especially for infants during the first months of life.
The study reached a number of results including:
Overall, the values were below the recommended limit by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Commission on Radiological Protection (1000 microsieverts/year) for all age groups, indicating that the radiation levels in the tested powdered and liquid milk are within acceptable safety limits.
The study came out with a number of recommendations, including :
- Conducting long-term monitoring studies to track changes in radioactivity levels in light of technological advancements.
- Studying the radioactivity levels and effective annual dose in imported milk samples and comparing them with breast milk.
- Investigating the sources of radiation, particularly in local milk samples.
- Developing a radiation map of regions with varying radiation levels and including it in the national map of the country.
Academic members, researchers, students, interested parties and the researcher’s colleagues and family members attended the viva.
The dissertation was examined and recommended by the Viva-Voce Committee for acceptance and approval. Then, the Student was recommended to be awarded the degree of Master of Science majoring in Physics with an overall grade of Excellent .
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