Public MA Viva-Voce Examination of Ms.Redha Mohammed Saleh AL-NOSRA

Today, Thursday, Shaaban 7th, 1446H, February 6th, 2025, the candidate researcher/
Redha Mohammed Saleh AL–NOSRA
Obtained the Master degree in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry with an Excellent average, from the Department of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Sanaa University, for his Master’s thesis entitled:
A Computed Tomography Study of the Root and Canal
Morphology for the Permanent Maxillary Central and
Lateral Incisors Teeth in a Sample of Yemeni Population.
The discussing committee consisted of:
♦ Professor Dr. Mohsen Ali AL-HAMZI, Principle Supervisor Committee Member,
♦ Professor Dr. Ibrahim Zaid AL-SHAMI, Internal Examiner Head of Committee and
♦ Associate Professor Mohammed Lottf AL-KHOLANI, External Examiner Committee Member.
This master’s thesis aims at analyzing the external and internal root/ canal morphology within a Yemeni sample using a computed tomography technique, evaluating the position of the nasopalatine canal relative to the maxillary incisors, and comparing findings with other populations to identify ethnic variations.
The study comes out with some results, of which: all teeth have a single root and central incisors are longer than lateral ones. Male cases show slightly larger crown lengths than females. Type 1 single canal is dominant whereas type 5 single canal bifurcating apically occurring. Lateral canals and apical deltas are rare. Most of the sample has a single apical foramen. As for the nasopalatine canal, it is located 3mm from maxillary central incisors with no age/ gender influence.
The researcher presents a number of recommendations at the end of the study, of which: The need for executing an extensive diagnostic evaluation using CBCT as for anatomy differences, as this would help good planning for treatment.
Attendees of the viva session were a number of academics, researchers, interested students of the major, as well as the researcher’s colleagues and some of family members.