Public PhD Viva-Voice Examination of Mr. Yahya Fuaini Kudaf Jallah

The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the MA Thesis hereto entitled: “A Proposal for the Development of Geometry Content for Grades 7-9 in the basic stage in the light of the CCSSM standards and its effectiveness on developing mathematical concepts and visual thinking skills”, submitted by Mr. Yahya Fuaini Kudaf Jallah Department of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Faculty of Education –Sana’a, was held on Saturday, 23/08/1446 Hijri corresponding to 22/02/2025. The Viva-Voice Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No. | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Prof. Radman Mohammed Saaeed | Internal examiner | Sana’a University | Chair |
2 | Prof. Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed Alquhfa | External Examiner | Ibb University | Member |
3 | Dr. Dhekra Mohammed Albaqeri | Main Supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
The study aimed at:-
- revealing the extent to which the content of geometry, measurement, and trigonometry in mathematics textbooks for grades (7-9) of the basic stage in Yemen includes the (CCSSM) standards.
- presenting a proposal for the development of the content of geometry, measurement and trigonometry in mathematics textbooks for grades (7-9) in the basic stage in Yemen in light of the (CCSSM) standards.
- knowing its effectiveness in developing mathematical concepts and visual thinking skills among eighth grade students in Hodeidah City.
The study concluded a number of findings as: the level of availability of the American Common Core Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) in the content of geometry, measurement, and trigonometry in the mathematics textbook of the seventh grade of the basic stage in Yemen is weak. The level of availability of these standards in the content of geometry, measurement, and trigonometry in the mathematics textbook of the eighth grade of the basic stage in Yemen is average. The level of availability of these standards in the content of geometry, measurement, and trigonometry in the mathematics textbook of the ninth grade of the basic stage in Yemen is weak. Their level of availability in the content of geometry, measurement, and trigonometry in the mathematics textbook for grades (7-9) for the basic stage in Yemen is weak.
Many recommendations were suggested as: the need for the development of Yemeni mathematics textbooks in light of the CCSSM standards. Utilizing the CCSSM standards in the rest of the basic education seminars, translating them, and circulating them to mathematics curriculum developers, mathematics teachers, and supervisors. Benefiting from the proposal resulting from the current study and putting it into practice. Urging the competent authorities to develop mathematics textbooks at the basic stage in light of modern trends, including the CCSSM standards.
. A number of academics, the department head, some researchers, students, interested people, and a number of the candidates’ colleagues and family members attended the viva.
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