PhD for researcher Ahmed Ibrahim from the Public Relations Department, Faculty of Media

On 28th, December, 2024 researcher Ahmed Samir Mohamed Ibrahim obtained a PhD from the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Public Relations at the Faculty of Media, Sana’a University, for his thesis entitled “Digital Transformation in Public Relations Communication Media in Yemeni Companies and Its Relationship to Their Reputation with Their Clients”.
The discussion and judging committee consisted of:
* Professor Dr. (Hassan Dagra) Chairman of the Committee, external examiner.
* Associate Professor Abdul Rahim Al-Shawri, internal examiner.
* Professor Dr. Ahmed Aqbat, main supervisor.
The thesis comes out with a number of results, the most important of which are these:
the degree of digital transformation in the means of communication for public relations in the Yemeni companies was medium, and that customers’ evaluation of the reputation of the Yemeni companies was neutral. There was no correlation between the degree of digital transformation in the means of communication for public relations in Yemeni companies and customers’ evaluation of the reputation of Yemeni companies.
The researcher suggested a number of recommendations in his thesis, the most prominent of which were: Yemeni companies should adopt the approach of digital transformation in their work, with the necessity of providing the infrastructure and should qualify employees to adopt it. Moreover, the Yemeni companies should regularly contact the customers to find out about their needs.
The discussion was attended by a number of academics, interested parties, friends of the researcher, and members of his family.