PhD for Researcher Taha Mohammed Abdullah from the Business Administration Center

Researcher Taha Mohammed Abdullah Al-Rahoumi was awarded a Doctorate in Philosophy of Business Administration from the Business Administration Center for Postgraduate Studies at Sana’a University for his dissertation entitled: “The Impact of Strategic Planning on Improving the Performance of Banks Operating in Yemen through Commitment to Anti-Money Laundering Procedures”.
The Viva took place on Saturday, 13 Safar 1445, corresponding to August 17, 2024 AD.
The Viva judging committee consisted of:
* Prof. Dr. Abdo Ahmed Ali Al-Ameri – Chairperson – External Examiner, University of Science and Technology.
* Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammed Ahmed Al-Makhlafi – Member – Internal Examiner – Sana’a University.
* Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Qutaibi – Member – Supervisor, Amran University.
The study aimed to:
* Determine the impact of strategic planning in its dimensions (environmental analysis, strategic direction, strategy building) on improving performance in its dimensions (customer dimension, internal operations, learning and growth, financial dimension) through commitment to anti-money laundering procedures in banks operating in Yemen in its dimensions (policies and procedures, compliance function, money laundering risk assessment, training and evaluation).
The study concluded with several findings, the most important of which were:
* The level of strategic planning practice in banks operating in Yemen in general is (relatively high), their performance improvement in general is (high), and their commitment to anti-money laundering procedures in general is (high), as strategic planning is relatively new to banks operating in Yemen.
* Banks operating in Yemen seek to improve their performance by identifying services that meet their customers’ needs, training their employees to develop their skills, and increasing their profits from real investment returns.
* Banks operating in Yemen are committed to preparing policies and procedures for combating money laundering based on international and local standards.
* There is a positive impact of strategic planning on improving the performance of banks operating in Yemen through commitment to anti-money laundering procedures.
The study suggested a set of recommendations, the most important of which were:
* Enhancing the practice of strategic planning in banks operating in Yemen more broadly in all its dimensions, and focusing on aspects that improve their performance continuously.
* Activating anti-money laundering policies and procedures at the level of banks operating in Yemen, and evaluating them periodically or when necessary.
* The necessity for banks operating in Yemen to improve their performance by paying attention to customers and the services provided to them, and enhancing efforts in training and developing the knowledge of their employees, to achieve profits from investment returns resulting from banking services.
The discussion was attended by a number of academics, researchers, interested individuals, and the researcher’s colleagues and family members.
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