Next Tuesday, Sana’a University 2nd International Dental Conference will start with local, Arab and international participations.
Sana’a University Rector, Prof. Al-Qassim Abass, explained that the three-day conference, in which more than a thousand academics, research scholars and dentists would participate, will discuss around 70 research works and scientific papers in various fields and disciplines of dental science.
He pointed out that the Conference aims to implement modern programs in the field of education and training of students and to develop research skills for faculty members. It will also review the scientific and professional experiences reached by the most prominent Arab and regional universities in the field of complex treatments of oral and maxillofacial diseases, particularly those of Egypt, Algeria, China and Syria.
The University Rector noted that the Conference topics include Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Advanced Plastic, Prosthodontic and Reconstructive Maxillofacial Surgery, as well as Modern Orthodontic technologies such as invisible braces, surgical braces, digital dentistry, dental prosthetic restoration techniques, and 3-D digital diagnosis.
He also confirmed that the Conference would present “new trends in pediatric dentistry, dental prosthetic and cosmetic treatments, programs and skills associated with the dental profession and periodontal treatment, as well as modern laser technologies in dentistry.”
Prof. Al-Qassim further explained that, for the first time, the Conference scientific papers and research works are selected according to international scientific conditions by a group of senior dentistry professors of Sana’a University.