Dr. Mabrook Aidah bin Mohanna
– Associate Professor of pediatric, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a, University Teaching members (99 – now) Sana’a University.
– General Director of modern Al-Ahly hospital (96 – 97).
– Coordinator of Arabic Board in Yemen. (96-2002)
– Coordinator of DCH in Yemen. (97-2000)
– Head of pediatrics department in Al-Assabeen Hospital, Sana;a Yemen. 1995-1997
– Head of Pediatrics for ACADEMIC AFFAIR (1995 – 2000
– Supervisor for general haematological disorders and Malignancies in Al-ssabeen Hospital. 1996-1998
– General director of National Sam hospital (97-utill now)
– FICMS (Fellowship of the Iraqi commission for medical specialization in pediatrics) 1995
– DCH (Diploma of childhood) Iraq, (1993).
– Participated in the revision of a book titled: fact and wrights regarding a child.
– Participated in many workshops handling data about ARI and IMCI by WHO in Sana’a, Yemen.
1. Supervisor for MSc. thesis submitted by Mona Al- Namer
Title: morbidity and outcome of pneumonia among children under five years hospitalized in Swiss Canal in University hospital.
2. Supervisor for Arabic board of community medicine thesis submitted by
Dr Abdulla bin Gouth title Malaria in Hadramout.
3. Examiner for MSc-Thesis 2014-2015 submitted by Bushra Saeed Mohammed.
4. Examiner for MSc-Thesis 2014 submitted by Amal thabet Mohammed Al-Ammary.
5. Examiner for MSc-Thesis 2014 by Bushra Husain Mohammed Al Morshidy.
1. Bin Mohanna MA. (1994). The effect of unjust sanctions on the people of Iraq on perinatal.[ FICMS. Theses]. Iraq.
2. Bin mohanna MA, Raja’a YA, Saif GA. Prevalence of hypocalcemia in children examined for serum calcium presenting to Specialized Pediatric Center Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen. Saudi Med J; 26(3): 457-459. (2005)
3. Bin Mohanna MA, Raja’a YA and Al-Kadi F. Treatment of acute pharyngitis in children presenting to Specialized Pediatric Center Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen JABMS. 2005 vol… 7, No.1, 46-49.
4. Bin Mohanna MA, Bin Ghouth AS, Raja’a YA. Malaria signs and infection rate among asymptomatic schoolchildren in Hajr valley, Yemen. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal; 2007 vol.13 No. 1 January- February.
5. Bin Mohanna MA, Raja’a YA and AlKadi F. Prevalence of schistosomiasis in children presented to Sam Hospital, Sana’a city Republic of Yemen. JABMS. 2005 vol. No.2, 132-135
6. A.A. Azazy, S.T. Nasher, A. Ishaq, M. Bin mohanna and M.L. Chance. Detection of antileishmanial IgG antibodies and leishmania- specific antigens in sera from Yemeni patients with visceral leishmaniasis. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, Vol. 97, No. 7, 689-695 (2003).
7. Bin Mohanna MA. Case report: Meningococcal meningitis, insusceptible to third generation ceftriaxone Yemen medical journal (accepted).
8. Bin Mohanna MA, and Raja’a YA Frequency and treatment of urinary tract infection in children subjected to urine culture in Sana’a city Yemen. JAMC. Pakistan. 12/08/2005 08:14
9. Raja’a YA and Bin Mohanna MA. Overweight and obesity among schoolchildren in Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen. Annals 0f Nutrition and Metabolism. Vienna Ann Nutr Metab 2005; 49:342-345.
10. Bin Mohanna MA, Raja’a YA and AlKadi F. Effective biotherapy for bacterial diarrhea in children presented to Sam Hospital, Sana’a city Yemen. JABMS 2005 Vol. 7, No. 4, 334-337.
11. Bin Mohanna MA Visceral leishmaniasis associated with malaria a case report. JABMS 2006 Vol,8, No.2, 150-152.
12. Bin Mohanna MA, and Raja’a YA Frequency of intestinal parasites in children presenting with diarrhea and / or abdominal pain to Sam hospital, Sana’a, republic of Yemen JABMS 2006 Vol. 8, No. 3, 226-229
13. Bin Mohanna MA, Bin Ghouth AS, Raja’a YA. Prevalence and types of plasmodium in patients presenting with fever to the health center in Hajer Valley, Hadramout , Yemen JABMS 2008 Vol. 9, No. 1, 60-63.
14. Raja’a YA and Bin Mohanna MA. Overweight and obesity among schoolgirls in Sana’a city, Republic of Yemen. Yemen journal for medical sciences Vol. 2 No. 2 december 2007
15. Bin Mohanna. Prevalence of nutritional rickets among children presenting to Sam hospital in Sana’a city, Yemen. JABMS 2009 Vol. 10, No. 2, 8-12.
16. Bin Mohanna MA. Self-medication with antibiotic in children in Sana’a city, Yemen Oman Medical Journal. Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2010.
17. Bin Al-Zoa. A.M., Bin Mohanna, M.A. and Al-Sonboli N. Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality in the Neonatal Care Unit of Al-Gumhouri Teaching Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen. Hadhramout Journal of Medical Sciences December2013; vol.2, issue2: 200-206.
18. Mohanna MA.and Sallam A. Idiopathic hemihypertrophy Saudi Med J 2014; Vol. 35 (4): 403-405.
19. Bin Mohanna MA., Lutf M. Al-Zubairi and Sallam A. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and parasites in symptomatic children examined for H. pylori antibodies, antigens and parasites in Sana’a city, Yemen. Saudi Med J 2014; Vol. 35 (11):
20. Mahmood Al-Mendalawi and mabrook bin Mohanna. Correspondence Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori and parasites in symptomatic children examined for H. pylori antibodies, antigens and parasites in Sana’a city, Yemen. Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (1): 1408-14011. doi: 10.15537/smj.2015.1.10871.
21. Bin Mohanna and Bin Al-Zoa. A.M., Pediatric idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in Al-Sabeen Hospital Sana’a city Yemen. Hadhramout Journal of Medical Sciences December2014; vol.3, issue 1&2: 239-242
22. Bin Mohanna MA Leishmaniasis, malaria and schistosomiasis concurrently in in an 8-year boy. Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (4): 179-181.
23. Mahmood Al-Mendalawi and mabrook bin Mohanna. Correspondence Leishmaniasis, malaria and schistosomiasis concurrently in in an 8-year boy. Saudi Med J 2015; Vol. 36 (8): doi: 10.15537/smj.2015.8.12281
24. Bin Mohanna and Bin Al-Zoa. A.M. Effectiveness of Low Dose Hydroxyurea in Yemeni Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Hadhramout Journal of Medical Sciences June & December 2014; vol. 3, issue 1&2: 243-247
25. Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna, Abdurrahman Ali Bahanna BACTERIAL PROFILE AND ANTIBIOGRAM OF OTITIS MEDIA AMONG CHILDREN IN YEMEN J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2016;28(3)
26. MA Bin Mohanna Prevalence and clinical characteristics of constipation in children in Specialized Sam Pediatric Center Sana’a city Yemen. Paper code: Minerva Pediatr-4493 (accepted).
27. MA Bin Mohanna Prevalence of nutritional rickets among symptomatic children and associated risk factors in Specialised Sam Paediatric Centre Yemen. East African Medical Journal > Vol 92, No 12 (2015)
28. Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna. Osteogenesis imperfecta 15-month-old girl incorrectly diagnosed with child abuse – a case report. Pediatric conference- Yemen held at 23-25 January 2017.
29. Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna and Naijla Al‑Sonboli. Prevalence of Diarrhoea and Related Risk Factors among Children Aged Under 5 years in Sana’a, Yemen. http://www.hamdanjournal.org on Thursday, (http://dx.doi.org/10.7707/hmj.711) March 29, 2018, IP:]
30. Najla N. Al- Sonboli, Mabrook A. bin Mohanna, Nasher A. Al- Aghbarri, Zekra AL- Shaekh and Basheer Abo Asbo. Genotypes of rotavirus among Yemeni children with acute diarrhea. Sana’a University Journal Medical Sciences (SUMJS) accepted
31. Mabrook Aidah Bin Mohanna and Naijla Al‑Sonboli. Frequency and causative agents of urinary tract infection and their antimicrobial susceptibilities in children of Sana’a city, Yemen. East African Medical Journal (accepted)