Waheeb Radman Mohammed Al-Kubati
Personal Information:
Name: Waheeb Radman Mohammed Al-Kubati
Date of birth: 01/10/1972
Place of birth: Taiz, Yemen
Nationality: Yemeni
Languages: Fluent in Arabic and English (IELTS over
E-mail: waheebalkubati@su.edu.ye
Telephone: +967734297929/ +967773738130
Interest and hobbies: Reading, art and sport
Summary: Education:
Feb. 2018. Senior Consultant in General surgery Yemeni Medical Counsel
August, 2009 Fellowship in colorectal surgery, Concord H,
May, 2007 Fellowship in Upper GI and Colorectal Surgery King Hussein Cancer Center.
May, 2007 Arab Board of General Surgery, Final exams (PhD
March, 2007 Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery, St Mark,s
Hospital, UK.
November, 2006 Arab Board in General Surgery, Part II, Jordan
March, 2006 Jordanian Board of Surgery Amman, Jordan (Clinical
PhD Equivalent)
January, 2006 Completion of Basic Surgical Training, UK
Inter-collegiate Committee of Surgical Royal Colleges,
March, 2005 Member Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland)
January, 2005 Residency Program in General Surgery
King Hussein Medical Centre, Amman
January, 2003 Jordanian Board in General Surgery
November, 2002 Arab Board in General Surgery, Part I, Irbid, Jordan
1999-2001 Internship at Khartoum Government Hospital,
Khartoum, Sudan ……
1993-1999 MB, BS undergraduate, Khartoum Faculty of Medicine
Khartoum, Sudan
1991 Completed High School, Secondary Education
Certificate Exam, Hudaydah, Yemen
(No. 11 in the overall government grades)
Doctorate British Fellowship Ireland in Surgery 2005
PhD Jordanian Board of Surgery 2006
Doctorate Arab Board of Surgery 2007
International fellowship in colorectal and anal surgery UK 2007
International fellowship in colorectal and anal surgery Australia 2008
Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University, from 2002 to present
The first consultant of general surgery classified by the Yemeni Medical Council since 2018
Arabic Bod Lecturer and Trainer in General Surgery Al-Thawra General Hospital
Member of Sudanese Medical Association
Member of Yemeni Medical Association
Member of Jordanian Medical Association
Member of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Member of St. Mark’s Association
Member of the Coloproctology Association of Great Britain & Ireland
Member of the American Association of Colorectal Surgery
Member of the Egyptian Group of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.
September 2009- Consultant in General and
Colorectal surgery Current, Altowra Modern General Hospital, Yemen.
August, 2008 International Fellow in
Colorectal Surgery Till August 2009
Concord Hospital,
Sydney, Australia.
April, 2008 Honorary Fellow in
Surgical Oncology and GI To: August, 2008 King Hussein Cancer
Center, Amman, Jordan.
May, 2007 Senior Specialist in
To: April 2008 Surgery and Coloproctology
Althowra Modern General Hospital, Yemen.
March, 2006 Clinical Fellow in
To: March, 2007 Coloproctology, St. Mark’
Hospital, Harrow, Middlesex,
January, 2006 Qualified Resident in
To: March, 2006 General Surgery in King Hussein Medical
From the 3th of Surgical Resident in
January, 2002 General Surgery in King
to: January, 2006 Hussein Medical. Amman, Jordan.
April, 2001 as General Practioner to: January 2002 in General Governmental
Hospitals, Sana’a, Yemen.
November, 2000 Senior House Officer to: April, 2001 Khartoum Hospital,Sudan
Internship 1 Year and 6/12-House Officer
From July, 1999 until November, 2000
Khartoum, Sudan
Conferences and Workshops:
- 8th annual Yemeni urological scientific conference of Yemeni Society 2nd to 4th November 2021 Sana’a. Title “The Effect of Hemorrhoids and Hemorrhoidectomy on the Sexual
Activity of Yemeni Male Patients Prospective study of 600 cases”
- 3rd annual conference of Yemeni Society of Surgeons Sana’a 27-28Oct 2021
- Our experience of Pelvic Exenteration, beyond TME for Locally advanced &recurrent rectal cancer
- The Fourth SCPRB SURGERY title “perineal cutaneous flap for restoring internal sphincter function” Sana’a 6_7 Oct 202.
- 2nd annual conference of Yemeni society of surgeons Sana’a 30-31 Dec 2020 title
- Functional and oncological outcomes of different techniques used post
intersphincteric resection of low rectal cancer”.
- 3rd SCPRB Surgery Sana’a 2-_3 Dec 2020.
- Title “Martius flap for repair rectovaginal fistula”.
- 1st scientific conference of General and laparoscopic surgery of Yemeni Society of surgeons Sana’a 29-30th Jan 2020.
- 1st surgical scientific day. Sanaa 25/04/2019. TME for rectal cancer
- Laser in Coloproctology 19th to 20th 2019 India
- The 2nd Annual scientific conference of plastic surgery. Sanaa, 13-14/03/2019. Sphincter repair and perineal recontruction.
- Voiding fysfunction (VD) after rectal cancer surgery with total mesorect al excision( TME) accepted as presentation in conference of Egyptian Group of C olon and Rectal Surgeons, August 201( couldn’t attend)
- Efficacy of peritoneum pelvic floor closure in abominoperineal resection of rectum(APR) for patients with anorectal cancer.
- Accepted as a poster in the conference of Egyptian Group of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, August 201(couldn’t attend).
- Experience of 250 cases of anorectal injuries. Presented in The 16th Annual Conference of the Egyptian Group of Colon and Rectal Surgeons at Al Gouna 29 th August 2014.
- Anorectal Injuries: Experience of 105 cases. Presented in the First Yemeni Turkish Surgery Congress 30th to 31th May 2012 in Sana’a.
- Modified St Mark;s Haemorroidectomy, prospective study of 800 cases, at Sharm elsheikh, 13th annual meeting of EGCRS in 8th of September, 2011.
- Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome, Prospective study on 80 Cases, Cairo at 13th meeting of EGCRS in the 9th of September, 2011
- Facilitator in Emergency trauma and basic first aid training workshop 7th to 9th May 2011, WHO The field hospital Kuwait teaching hospital, Sana’a.
- The role of surgical techniques in colorectal cancer outcomes. Cancer control international conference, Almukala 7 January 2011.
- 20th world congres of the international association of surgeons gastroenterologists oncologists 20th to 23th October 2010 Cairo Egypt
- Investigation and management of pouch dysfunction post proctocolectomy at King Hussein Cancer Centre, Amman 7th June 2008.
- Ioannina university courses in pathology Soft tissue pathology Oncology Ioannina Greece 29th to 30th May 2008
- Ioannina university courses in pathology Bone pathology Oncology Ioannina Greece 27th to 28th May 2008
- 4th international conference of the Royal medical services Amman Jordan 12th th I 15th May 2008
- 9th international conference of the Jordan Cardiac Society 22nd to 25th April 2008 Amman Jordan
- The arab division of International academy of pathology arab school of pathology the Dermatology workshop of Inflammatory skin diseases in focus held at KAUH/Irbid Jordan 21st to 22nd April 2008.
- The updates in Gynecological oncology symposium at KHCC 30th to 31th August 2007
- Enhanced recovery symposium at St Mark’s hospital at 9th Feb 2007
- 4th International congress Frontiers in colorectal and intestinal diseases at St. Mark’s hospital 29th to30th Nov 2006
- Enhanced recovery symposium day at St. Marks hospital 29th September 2006
- Intestinal failure study day at St. Mark’s hospital 4th October 2006
- 1St Enhanced recovery symposium st Mark’s hospital 14th June 2006
- Mid term CME 2004 Delhi medical council India 11th September 2004
- Basic surgical skills course held on from 8th to 10th September 2004 New Delhi India
- 2nd International conference of the royal Jordanian medical services 7th to 10th October 2003 Amman Jordan
- The 31st conference of the Jordanian Surgical Society with European association for endoscopic surgery &the European Association of video surgery 10th to 13th September 2003 Amman Jordan
- 29th conference of Jordanian Surgical Society with the Amman Arab surgical conference the Jordanian Syrian Lebanese iraqi surgical conference and sixth Mediterranean club of endoscopic surgery from 24th to 27th April 2002 Amman Jordan
- 11. Wound healing (January 2006) at KHMC, Jordan
- 1 Tumour markers (March 2005) at KHMC, Jordan
- 1 Blood transfusion (June 2004) at KHMC, Jordan
- 1 Thrombo-embolic diseases (June 2003) at KHMC, Jordan
- 1 Compartment syndromes (February 2001) at Police Central Hospital
- 1 M&M case presentation every three months at KHMC, Jordan
- 1 Acute pancreatitis January 2010 Althowra Modern Hospital
Research and scientific papers:
- Al-Kubati W. Mechanism and Prevention of Bile Duct injury. Thesis Presented in 10th December, 2005 at KHMC, Jordan. Accepted by the
Arab Board of General Surgery.
- Baker R, Al-Kubati W, Atuf M, Phillips R. Nicorandil-induced severe perianal ulceration, Tech Coloproctol. 2007; 11:343–345
- Keshava A, Mackenzie S, Al-Kubati W. Single Port Laparoscopic Right Colonic resection. ANZ Journal of Surgery, December 2009
- MacKenzie,W. Al-Kubati, A. Keshava. Clinical Assessment of the feasibility of full splenic flexure mobilization for laparoscopic anterior resection
The European Journal of Laparoscopy. November 2009
- Al-Kubati WR. Bile duct injuries post laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A Clinical Study.
Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. 2010; 2:100-104
- Satoshi Nagayama, Waheeb Al-Kubati, and Yoshiharu Sakai. Review Article: What Is the Place of Intersphincteric Resection When Operating on Low Rectal Cancer? ISRN Surgery. 2012; 2012. Article ID 585484, 3 pages. b. Authors’ Contribution (S. Nagayama and W. Al-Kubati equally contributed to this work).
- Waheeb Radman Al-Kubati, LeilaGhaharamani, AliBananzadeh, SeyedHosseini. Neurofibroma of the anorectal canal presenting with diarrhoea and pelvic pain: Report a Case. World Journal of Colorectal Surgery. 2013; 2: 3
- Waheeb R Al-Kubati*, and Faiez Daoud* Early Presentation and Surgery in Emphysematous Cholecystitis with Pneumobilia improve survival. International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research. Accepted at 19th June 2019.
- ,Kohlany KM, Kubati WR, Husam AA, Eman S2 Benign Solitary Fibrous .019 Tumor Growth in the Wall of Urinary Bladder, Page 2 of Reporting Two New Cases from Yemen. J UrolNephrol Open Access 5)1(: 1-5. DOI: 10.15226/247300145/1 /5/6430