Abdul-Karim Ali Sheiban
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
Name: Abdul-Karim Ali Sheiban
Daye of birth: 01 / December / 1952
Place of birth: Hajah, Yemen
Nationality: Yemeni
Occupation: Senior Consultant of Internal medicine and Nephrology; Professor of Internal medicine and Nephrology
Email: a.shaiban@su.edu.ye
Phone: +967 711119498
Bachelor of internal medicine and surgery (MBBch), Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, 1977
Masters (MSc)of Internal Medicine and Nephrology. Faculty Of Medicine, Cairo University, 1982
Medical Doctorate (MD) of Internal Medicineand Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Khartoum University, 1994.
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Medicine, Sana’a University, 1978.
Assistant lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University, 1982.
Head of department of nephrology, Al-Thawra Hospital. 1983-1999
Assistant professor of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen 1990-1994
Establishing RENAL DISEASES Friendship Charitable Society
Associate professor of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen, 1994-1998
Professor of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University. 1999-
Head of Internal Medicine department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen. 12th Oct 1996 – 28th Nov 1999.
Deputy Minister of Ministry of Public Health and Population For primary health care and Medical Services. 27th April 1999 – June 2004
President of Yemeni Society of Kidney diseases and transplantation since 2010.
President of Pan-Arab Society of Kidney diseases and transplantation 2014-2016
Member of academic Committee of Faculty of medicine, Sana’a University. 2012-2014
Member of post-graduate committee of of Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University. 2014-2020
Head of Internal Medicine department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Sana’a University. 2017-2019
Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences .2018-2020
Vice-president of Yemeni Medical Council. 2019-
Establishing of Nephrology departments and training staff in Military hospital in Sana’a, Aden, Mukala and Taiz.
Establishing Sana’a Military Hospital and Hodiadah Renal Units.
Establishing with others ADEN, MUKKALLA, and TAIZ Renal Units.
Training of the staff of the different centres.
Head of organizing committee of the first International Yemeni Nephrology conference, Sanaa1999.
Member of Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation.
Establishing with other Arab members Pan Arab Society of Nephrology & Transplantation.
Member of Board committee of Arab Society of Nephrology and Transplantation.
Member of European Dialysis and transplantation Society.
Member of International Society of Nephrology.(ISN)
Member of the Jury of Hayel Saed Ana’am Award for Art and Sciences, 1998.
Member of the board of the Arab- European Foundation.
Member of the COMGAN sub committee for the Middle East.
Awarded Hayel Saed Ana’am Award for Art and Sciences. 2002.
Research papers:
Chronic renal Failure in Yemen Arab Republic. Med. J. Cairo Univ. vol.56. No.3 (suppl.): 175-180, 1988.
Bacteriological study of Supparative Otitis Media in Yemeni Children. New Egyptian Medical Journal, vol. 3 . No.3 , July, 1989.
Bacteriological study of patients suffering from urinary tract infection in Yemen. Al-Azhar Microbiol. Medical Journal, vol. 7, Jan 1990.
Problems of heamodialysis in Yemen . Abstract book of the 2nd congress of Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, Cairo, 1990.
Malaria associated with Acute renal failure, out-come and treatment. Hungarian med. Journal, Feb 1991.
Kaposi’s sarcoma among Yemeni Renal transplant patients. First Yemen medical Conference, May 12th – 15th, 1991.
Medical complications following renal transplantation. The third congress of the Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation . 5-8 Des, 1993, Riyadh, Saudia Arabia.
Role of Hypoxia in Hypertension. Sudan Association of Physician Medical Conference, March 21st – 24th
Gulf war and its adverse effect on Yemeni patients living in neighboring countries. Yemen Med.J.vol. 3. No.3, 1994.
Traffic Road accident in Republic of Yemen before and after Union. Unexpected effect of Gulf war. Yemen Statistic office, Pub, 1995.
Renal replacement Therapy in Yemen. Saudi J. Kidney Disease and Transplantation, vol.7 No.3, 313-314, 1996.
For how long should patients with renal transplant continue immunosuppressive drugs. Saudi J. Kidney Disease and Transplantation, vol. 3: 317, 1996.
Factors Associated with poor prognosis in sever acute renal failure. Nephron, vol. 80. No. 4, 1998 Switzerland.
Incidence of end stage renal failure (ESRD) in one region in Yemen. Abstracts book XXX111 Congress of European renal association, page 117. European dialyses and transplantation association. Amsterdam, Holland, 1996.
Pattern of malaria presentation in Yemen. 30th congress of the Arab Medical Union, 15-17 July 1997.
Geographic effect on urinary stone formation in Yemen. 30th congress of the Arab Medical Union, 15-17 July 1997.
Use of Cyclosporine in nephritic syndrome. Abstracts book XXXV Congress of European renal association, page 176. European dialyses and transplantation association. June 6-9, 1998. Rimini, Italy.
Pregnancy following renal transplantation. Yemen Med. J. vol.3, No.3, Oct. 1998.
Effect of khat chewing on blood pressure. Nephrology dialysis transplantation J, vol.13, No.6, 1998.
Should hypertensive patients be screened for hypothyroidism. Abstracts book XXXV Congress of European renal association, page 79. European dialyses and transplantation association. June 6-9, 1998. Rimini, Italy.
Prognosis of malaria associated severe acute renal failure in children. Renal failure J, vol.21, No.1,: 63-66, 1999. North Carolina, USA.
Heart failure in teaching hospital in Sana’a the republic of Yemen. Yemen M. Journal, vol.3, No.3. , 1998.
Acute renal failure in the Arab World (comparative study). The first international Yemeni Nephrology Conference. 16 – 18 Feb. Sana’a, Yemen, 1999.
Revised Nephrology In Yemen. Saudi J. Kidney Disease and Transplantation, vol. 3: 317, 1999.
Khat and human health. A comprehensive clinical and experimental study. (Hand book offered to the Ministry of Public Health of planning to establish Khat research center in Yemen.