DR.Athmar Hussain Ali Abdo
Personal Information:
Name: Athmar Hussain Ali Abdo
Nationality: Yemeni
Marital status: Married
Address: C/O Al-Sabeen Hospital
Sana’a Republic of Yemen
Tel : (Mobile) +967-777 912 940
+967-733 427 748
(Work) +967-1-274 285
Fax : (Work) +967-1-232 614
Email: athmarali265@gmail.com
High School: High School diploma (Scientific Section) Aden, Republic of Yemen ,1977.
Medical School: Simferople University, Faculty of Medicine, Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) MBBS, 1986
Clinical MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Khartoum, Faculty of Medicine (UK/PGMBS 2000).
Language Skills:
• Arabic: Native speaker
• English: Fluent
• Russian: Fluen
• Secretary General of the Yemeni Board for medical Specializations (2009- present)
• Associated professor of obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine,Sana’a University (from 2010)
• Co-chairman of obstetrics and Gynecology of Arab board scientific committee (Sept 2014)
Previous Posts and Clinical Experience:
• Deputy Director of Yemen Medical Council (2010-2013)
• Deputy Director for academic activities in Al-Sabeen Hospital, Sana’a (2003-2009).
• Assistant Professor & Consultant in Obs &Gyn, Faculity of Medicine, Sana’a University & Al-Sabeen Teaching Hospital, Sana’a (2000-2009)
• Registrar in Obs &Gyn, Kuwait University Hospital in Sana’a (1997)
• Registrar in Obs &Gyn, University Khartoum Hospital, Sudan, (1998)
• Resident in Obs &Gyn, Soba University Hospital/ Om Darman Hospital, Khartoum University Hospital, Sudan, (1996)
• Demonstrator in Obs&Gyn, Sana’a Faculty of Medicine (1990-1996)
• Senior Resident, Althawra General Hospital, Sana’a ( 1987-1990)
of Medicine.
Research and scientific papers:
1.Modified curettage techniques; A new trend in managing premenopausal dysfunctional bleeding in the developing countries. (MEDC-2007)
2.New attempt using labio-vestibular flap technique to manage circumcised women with Rokitansky syndrome(Informa health care acta obs&gyn- 2008)
3.Risk and actual factors of rupture uterus and the possible prevention in the developing countries.(EMMJ-2008)
4. New attempts in diagnosing and managing the endometrial mucosal factor in unexplained infertility.(ESCME-2009)
5.Reduction clitero-labio plasty versus clitero-labiectomy in managing adult onset. The possible alternative of female genital mutilation. (KARGER-2009)