DR.Khaled Abdullah kassem Telha
Current Post : Associate professor of urology-Ph D
Medical college – Sana’a University
First Consultant of urology Department
Defense and Ibn Seena Hospital- Sana’a.
1. Secondary School: Omar Almokhtar Secondary School- Sana’a- 1979
2. M.B.B.Ch.: Faculty of Medicine, Rostov University-USSR September, 1989
3. M.Sc. degree in Urology : Russian State Medical University-Moscow-1998
4. Ph. D. degree in Urology : Moscow Medical Academia – Moscow -2002
1- General practitioner physician in Althawrah General Hospital-Sana’a- Yemen, from Septamber.-1989 to 27-February –1993.
2- Resident in Urology department in Althawrah Modern General Hospital_ Sana’a – Yemen, from 1- September – 1993 to– 1996.
3- Clinical fellow, Urology and Operative Nephrology 1st Hospital –Moscow Russian Sate Medical University, 1996 to– 2002.
4- Consultant urologist & uro-oncologist and transplantation in Urology & Nephrology Center- Al-Thwrah Modern General Hospital- Sana’a – Yemen, from 1-JAN – 2003 to 2012.
5- Trainer of Arab urology Board from 2004 until to 2013.
6- Assistant Professor of urology Medical Collage Sana’a University2003 until 2011.
7- Associate Professor of urology Medical Collage Sana’a University2011 until to date.
8- First Consultant Urology Department Ibn Sina Hospital – Sana’a (All urological operations including open, endoscopy and renal transplantation) from 2004 till now.
9- First Consultant in Urology Department Defense Complex Hospital – Sana’a(All urological operations including open, endoscopy and renal transplantation) from May 2012 till now (2days /week).
Conferences and Workshops:
1. ANUREA AMONG YEMENI PATIENTS. Khaled A. Telha PhD, Alba’adani Tawfik and Alnono Ibrahim , 35th annual meeting of the Arab urologic association, November 13-17 (2007) Beirut-Lebanon.
2.. Wilms Tumor Khaled A.Telha PhD, Alba’adani Tawfik and Alnono Ibrahim.
in 4th Yemeni-German Medical Conference, March 6-8, 2006, Medical College- Sana’a University,
3. Over active Bladder Khaled A. Telha PhD, in the 2nd Yemeni Urology conference, February 6-7- 2008; Aden- Yemen,
4. Early and late complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL): Study of 518 cases. Khaled A.Telha; Ibrahim Alnono, Tawfik AL badany;; Abdulelah Ghilan,Mohamed Alwan; Issam Alrabea; Khaled M. Al-Kohlany; Gamil Alalimy; Mansour ALtweity; Mokhtar Almasany and Abdulelah Aladimy inThe 3rd Yemeni Urology Conference. 14-16- July 2009. Sheraton Hotel- Sana’a –. Yemen.
5. Tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy with double- J stent compared with external ureteral catheter to decrease post operative complications.
TelhaA. Khaled PhD, Alba’adani Tawfik , Alkohlany Khaled, AL- adimy Abdulelah and Alnono Ibrahim, EAU(European Association of Urology) congress in Vienna (Austria), March 2011.
Khaled A.Telha, Ibrahim Alnono,; Tawfik AL badany;; Abdulelah Ghilan, Abdulelah Aladimy,Mokhtar Almasany, Khaled Alkohlany ,Najeeb Aboasba and Abdo Zakry. International Urological Conference Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 13th to 15th November 2014.
7. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy monotherapy for treatment of patients with bladder stone. Khaled A.Telha, Khaled Alkohlany, Tawfik AL badany and Ibrahim Alnono,; International Urological Conference Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 5th to 7h November 2015.
8. SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS NEPHRECTOMY IN LIVING RELATED DONORS BY DEFRANTS TEAMS IN YEMEN in 15th Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT 2016), Amman, Jordan, from September 21-24, 2016.
1. The 19 th Annual congress of the Turkish- Urologic Association in Antalya- Turkey, 2006.
2. The 9th Saudi Urological Conference, Riyadh- Saudi Arabia. February 2007
3. The 24th Annual EAU congress. -Stockholm-Sweden, 17-21 March-2009
4. The 25th Annual EAU congress. 16-20-April-2010- Barcelona-Spain.
5. The 26 th Annual EAU congress. 16-20-Marsh-2011- in Vienna-Austria, March 2011.
6. The13 th Congress of Meddle East Society for Organ Transplantation December 2012 Abu Dhabi UAE.
7. The first Congress of Meddle East and American Urology September 2013 Dubai UAE.
Research and scientific papers:
Wilms Tumor among Yemeni patients, etiology and treatment.
A thesis submitted for partial fulfillment of the master degree in Urology, Urology department, Russian State Medical University. 1998.
Genitourinary Schestosomaiasis among Yemeni patients. Incidence, diagnosis and Treatment a thesis submitted for partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. degree in urology. Urology department, Moscow Russian State Medical University, 2002.
1. Khaled Telha, Khaled Al-Kohlany, Tawfiq Alba’adani and Ibrahim Alnono. A rare foreign body into female urinary bladder. AJU(Arab Journal of Urology) vol.7, No.3, September 2009; 53-54
2. Khaled A Telha, Khaled M. Al-Kohlany, Tawfiq H Alba’adani, Abdulelah Ghilan, Omar Alkhanbashy and IbrahimH Alnono. Penile fracture Among Yemeni Patients: Causes, Diagnosis and Management outcome. AJU vol.7, No.4, December 2009; 28-33.
3. Khaled A Telha, Tawfiq H Alba’adani, Khaled M. Al-Kohlany, , Abdulelah O. Al-Adimy and Ibrahim Alnono. Tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy with double-J stent compared with external ureteral catheter to decrease postoperative complications. Saudi Med J. 2010; vol.31(10):1137-1140.
4. Al-Ba’adani, Tawfik H.; Al-Asbahi, Walid; Al-Towaity, Mansour; Alwan, Mohammed; Al-Germozi, Shehab; Ghilan, Abdulelah; Telha Khaled; Godal, Mohammed Ben; El-Nono, Ibraheim. Urethral stricture Yemen experience. International Urology and Nephrology vol. 42 issue 3 September 2010. p. 703 – 708
5. Khaled Telha, Khaled M. Al-Kohlany, Tawfiq Alba’adani and Ibrahim Alnono. Huge prostatic cyst as unusual cause of obstructive anuria in Yemen. SUJMS( Sana’a University Journal of Medicine Since). 2011; Vol. 6, Issue No.1;
6. Khaled M. Al-Kohlany and Khaled A. Telha. Munchausen syndrome in Urology. Diagnosis not to be forgotten. Journal of Tropical Nephro- Urology. 2011; Vol. 10, Issue No. 6; 47-49.
7. Tawfiq Alba’adani, Khaled A. Telha, Shehab AlGormozy, Khaled Al-Badwey, Gamail Alimi, Nabil Al-Gonaid, Ibrahim Alnono. The era of Tubeless Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. Journal Urology Today International Journal, June 20012,; Vol.5
8. Challenges in Renal Transplantation in Yemen
Ibrahiem H. El-Nono, Khaled A. Telha, Gamil M. Al-Alimy, Abdulilah M. Ghilan, Nagieb W. Abu Asba, Abdo M. Al-Zkri, Abdulilah M. Al-Adimi, Tawfiq H. Al-Ba’adani , Ann. Transplant 2015; 20:92-96 .
9. Khaled A. Telha, Khaled M. Al-Kohlany, Ibrahiem H. El-Nono Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) monotherapy for treatment of patients with bladder stones. Arab Journal of Urology 2016, 14,207-210.
10. Khaled Abdulla Telha, Mohamed Abdullah Al Kataa, Khaled Mohamed Al-kohlany, Tawfik Hassen Al Badany, Ibrahim Hussen Alnono. Surgical Complications of Nephrectomy in Living Related Donors in Yemen. , Turkish Journal of Urology vol. 40 no. 4 p. 549-552 December 2017; Turkish J.U.
11. Khaled M. Al-Kohlany, MD, Khaled A. Telha, Ph.D, Noman Al-lahabi, MD, and Hani M. Almahmoud, Jejunal Injury as a Rare Complication of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Case Report Volume 3.1, 2017,Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.Pp. 70–73
نموذج السيرة الذاتية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس في جامعة صنعاء( العربي )
البيانات الشخصية:
ملخص: (نبذة مختصرة عن عضو هيئة التدريس على الأقل 3 أسطر تلخص فيها السيرة الذاتية بالكامل )
المؤتمرات والورش:
البحوث والأوراق العلمية:
Sample CV for faculty members at Sana’a University (English)
Personal Information:
Date of birth 16 December 1972
Place of birth
Marital status
Nationality Taiz, Yemen
Married, Three Children
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3
Very Good (Spoken and Written).
Epidemiologist, Familiar with Computer Packages
(Microsoft Word, Excel, SPSS and Power Point). Professional in public relation, communication skills as well as a very good relation with civil
society and public entities.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D) in Pediatric Dentistry, Khartoum University, Faculty of Dentistry, Dec. 2006
– Master of Science) in orthodontic and Pediatric Dentistry (MSc), University of Baghdad, Collage of dentistry, Aug. 2002.
– Doctorate of Dental Science (DDS), Damascus University, Collage of Dentistry, 1995
• Teaching Center from 15 April – 6 May 2007.
• Course in mastering “damon system”.(8 credit hours). 2 Nov 2013.
• The quality week in Sana’a university from 2-6 February 2014.
Course in accreditations and quality assurance.2014
• Workshop on clinical statistic using SPSS from 25-27 February 2014.
• Course in dental implant, 9-11 December 2014.
Conferences and Workshops:
• Speaker in the FDI CONFERSNCE –India, 9-11 August 2014.
• Speaker in the 1st Sana’a university international dental conference, 29-31 Oct 2013.
• FDI 101 conference in Istanbul- turkey. 28-31 August 2013.
• UAE international dental conference and Arab dental exhibition Dubai, 4- 9 Feb. 2013.
Research and scientific papers:
1/4/2012- present
Deputy dean for academic and higher education affairs.
5/1/2007– present
July 2007- present
Sep 2000 – July 2002
Assistant Professor of Orthodontic and Peadodontic Department, Collage of Dentistry, Sana’a University.
Peadodontist in Private Practice Yemen, Sana’a.
Supervisor for Under graduated Student in The Phantom, Laboratory as Well as Clinics, Faculty of Dentistry, Baghdad University.
Feb 1998 – Dec 1999 Demonstrator at peadodontic Department – Collage of Dentistry, Sana’a University.
Dec1996 – April 1998
Dentist in dental clinic of Al-Gomhori Hospital, Sana’a City.
Sep1995– April 1998 General Practitioner in Private Practice Yemen, Sana’a.
Aug 1994 –July 1995 Internship at Damascus University, Collage of Dentistry.
– Prevalence and Pattern of Third Molar Impaction in Sample of Yemeni Adults, Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health, of Dentistry, March, 12, 2019. DOI:10.33552/OJDOH.2019.01.000523
– – The potential association between periodontitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review, Clinical Oral Investigations , The online version of this article 18 October 2018, (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00784-018-2726-1
– Prevalence associated factors of oral non-cida albicans cida carriage in denture wearers in Sana’a city-Yemen. Universal journal of pharmaceutical research, volume 3, issue 4, 2018.avaliable on line on 15 September 2018.
– The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Kindergartens’ and its Associated Factors among Children in Sana’a City”. EC Dental Science 7.5 (2017): 206-211.
– Assessment of gingival health status among 5- and 12- year- old children in Yemen: a cross-sectional study. ISRN Dentistry, Volume 2013, Article ID 352621, 7 pages
– Oral health status and treatment needs among school children in Sana’a City, Yemen. Int J Dent Hygiene 8, 2010; 80–85.
– Prevalence of gingival recession among khat chewers. Sana’a university journal for medical science. (Date of acceptance Nov, 10, 2008).
– Tooth lost and gingival recession as a risk factor of khat chewing in Yemen. Cairo dental Journal 2008; 24(2): 171-176.