Nasher A. Al-Aghbari
Personal Information:
Name: Nasher A. Al-Aghbari
Sex: Male
Nationality: Yemeni
Permanent address: Sana’a – Hada city
Tel: Clinic: 009671-426111
Work: 009671-248966 ext. 381
Mobile: 00967-777744857
Email: N.Al-Aghbari@su.edu.ye
Languages: Mother Tongue: Arabic
Others: English and Russian
Field of interests: Pediatric Hematology and oncology, Pediatric Emergency and Intesive care, Pedaitric TB.
Dr Nasher Al-Aghbari was graduated from Mosco University, Russa and completed his post-graduate studies in Liverpool University – UK. He worked in the field of Pediatrics at Al-Thawra General Hospital , Sana’a and as assistant Professor in Pediatric at Sana’a University. He attended many nationally and international workshops and conferences and has many published Medical Scientific papers in national, regional and international peer-reviewed journals. His current position is Assistant Professor in Pediatrics- Pediatric department – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences –Sana’a University and Head of Pediatric Accident and Emergency department-Al-Thawra General Hospital, Sana’a
1982-1988: MBBS – Mosco Medical Institute. Named after Dr N. Simashka – Russa.
1988-1991: Master in Paediatrics Specialty – Mosco Medical Institute. Named after Dr N. Simashka – Russa.
1999-2000: Master in Tropical Paediatrics – Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool University – UK.
2002-2006: PhD – Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool University – UK.
- Paediatric specialist at Al-Thawra Hospital, Sana’a.
1999 -2000 Paediatric Haematologist and Oncologist, Al-Thawra Hospital, Sana’a.
2000 -2002 Head of Paediatric Intensive Care Unit- Al-Thawra Hospital , Sana’a.
2000 – 2005 General director of the Yemeni association of Thalassaemia.
2007 – up till now Head of pediatric accident and emergency department, Al-Thawra Hospital, Sana’a.
February 2007 Local supervisor for Master Student of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool University, UK.
March 2007 Appointed as WHO advisor and participated in the development of the protocol of the study “Improving the diagnosis of tuberculosis through optimization of sputum smear microscopy”.
March 2007 Principal Investigator for the WHO multicentre study of “Improving the diagnosis of tuberculosis through optimization of sputum smear microscopy”, Yemen.
April 2007-till now A member of the teaching panel of the Master course, The Yemeni Higher Council for Medical Specialties, Ministry of Health, Sana’a, Yemen.
April 2007-till now A member of the teaching panel of the Arabic Board, The Yemeni Higher Council for Medical Specialties, Ministry of Health, Sana’a, Yemen.
April 2007-till now A member of the teaching panel of the Arabic General Emergency Board, The Yemeni Higher Council for Medical Specialties, Ministry of Health, Sana’a, Yemen.
February 2007- till now TB consultant, National Tuberculosis Institute.
August 2021- till now: Assistant Prof of pediatric – Sana’a University
Conferences and Workshops:
12th -21st March 1997: Training course in the management of ARI in children, WHO, Sana’a-Yemen (one week).
22nd -26th March 1997: Training of trainers in management of ARI, WHO – Sana’a, Yemen (two weeks).
1997: Conference of Union Arab Doctors- 1997, Sana’a, Yemen.
30th Oct-3rd Nov 2000: 7th International TIF Educational Workshop on Clinical Management of Thalassaemia, WHO, Cyprus
18th June 2002 Time and Project Management Workshop, Centre For Careers and Academic Practice, the University of Liverpool.
18th June 2002 Epistemology Workshop, Centre for Careers and Academic Practice, the University of Liverpool.
18th June 2002 Oral Communication Workshop, Centre for Careers and Academic Practice, the University of Liverpool.
19th June 2002 Written Communication Workshop, Centre For Careers and Academic Practice, the University of Liverpool.
19th June 2002 Oral Communication Workshop, Centre for Careers and Academic Practice, the University of Liverpool.
2006: Latent class analysis course, Antwerp – Belgium (one week).
4th Feb 2006: CNS Infections, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool UK.
15th and 16th 2007: A protocol development meeting on the 15th and 16th March 2007, WHO/TDR, Geneva. “Request for Applications (RFA) for Diagnostic Trial Sites: Improving the diagnosis of tuberculosis through optimization of sputum smear microscopy”.
18th -20th June 2007 the second regional conference to prevent child abuse and negligence
16th-20th Oct 2008 39th Union World Conference on Lung Health. Paris, France.
6th Oct-13 Dec. 2008 Qualitative research methods. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
May 2009 Advanced Pediatrics Live Support Training, Muscat, Oman
14th -16th Dec 2009 Advanced Pediatrics Live Support For Facilitators, Sana’a Yemen.
11th-15th Nov 2010 The 41st Union World Conference on Lung Health, Berlin, Germany
26th-31st Oct 2011 The 42st Union World Conference on Lung Health, Lille, France.
Research and scientific papers:
- Genotypes of rotavirus among Yemeni children with acute diarrhea. Najla N. Al-Sonboli; Mabrook Bin Mohnna; Nasher A. Al-Aghbari; Zekra Al-Shaekh; Basheer Abo Asba. SUMJ (2017) (accepted).
- Aetiologies, Patterns of Presentation and Mortality of Acute Bacterial Meningitis among Yemeni Children in A Tertiary Referral Hospital in Sana’a. NAJLA AL-SONBOLI; ABDULLA M. BIN AL-ZOA; ARWA AL-HARAZI; ALI AL-ERYANI; NASHER AL-AGHBARI; ZEKRA AL-SHAEKH, and BASHEER ABO ASBA. Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 85, No. 3, June, 2017.
- Determinants of Mortality of Acute Bacterial Meningitis among Yemeni Children in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Sana’a. NAJLA AL-SONBOLI; ARWA AL-HARAZI; ABDULLA M. BIN AL-ZOA; ALI AL-ERYANI; NASHER AL-AGHBARI; ZEKRA AL-SHAEKH, and BASHEER ABO ASBA, Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 85, No. 4, June, 2017.
- Role of Interluekin-12, 13, 18 and IgE in Asthmatic Yemeni Children ALI AL-ERYANI; NAJLA AL-SONBOLI; AHMED AL-KHORASANI, NASHER AL-AGHBARI, and SALEEM M. AL-HAMADN. Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 84, No. 1, March: 3 75-382, 2016.
- Clinical Presentation and Risk Factors of Bronchial Asthma in Yemeni Children ALI AL-ERYANI; AHMED AL-KHORASANI; NAJLA AL-SONBOLI, and NASHER AL-AGHBARI. Med. J. Cairo Univ., Vol. 84, No. 2, June: 437-444, 2016.
- Patients direct costs to undergo TB diagnosis. de Cuevas RM, Lawson L, Al-Sonboli N, Al-Aghbari N, Arbide I, Sherchand JB, Nnamdi EE, Aseffa A, Yassin MA, Abdurrahman ST, Obasanya J, Olanrewaju O, Datiko D, Theobald SJ, Ramsay A, Squire SB, Cuevas LE. Infect Dis Poverty. 2016 Mar 24;5:24. doi: 10.1186/s40249-016-0117-x. PMID: 27009093
- Barriers to completing TB diagnosis in Yemen: services should respond to patients’ needs. Anderson de Cuevas RM, Al-Sonboli N, Al-Aghbari N, Yassin MA, Cuevas LE, Theobald SJ. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 22;9(9):e105194. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105194. eCollection 2014. PMID: 25244396
- Malnutrition and visceral leishmaniasis in Yemeni children. Ahmed Al-Khorasani, Ali Al-Eryani, Najla Al-Sonboli, Nasher Al-Aghbari, Luis E. Al-Azhar journal of Ped. 2014 Vol.17 Issue 1, page DOI: 10.12816/0012511:
- Clinical Profile of Children with Visceral Leishmaniasis in Two Regions in Yemen. Eryani , Ali | Al-Khorasani , Ahmed | Al-Sonboli , Najla | Al-Aghbari , Nasher | Cuevas , Luis E. Al-Azhar journal of Ped. 2013 Vol.16 Issue 1, page 143-156. pISSN: 11107774 DOI: 12816/0012526
- LED fluorescence microscopy for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a multi-country cross-sectional evaluation. Cuevas LE, Al-Sonboli N, Lawson L, Yassin MA, Arbide I, Al-Aghbari N, Sherchand JB, Al-Absi A, Emenyonu EN, Merid Y, Okobi MI, Onuoha JO, Aschalew M, Aseffa A, Harper G, de Cuevas RM, Theobald SJ, Nathanson CM, Joly J, Faragher B, Squire SB, Ramsay A. PLoS Med. 2011 Jul;8(7):e1001057. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001057. Epub 2011 Jul 12. PMID: 21765809
- A multi-country non-inferiority cluster randomized trial of frontloaded smear microscopy for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Cuevas LE, Yassin MA, Al-Sonboli N, Lawson L, Arbide I, Al-Aghbari N, Sherchand JB, Al-Absi A, Emenyonu EN, Merid Y, Okobi MI, Onuoha JO, Aschalew M, Aseffa A, Harper G, de Cuevas RM, Kremer K, van Soolingen D, Nathanson CM, Joly J, Faragher B, Squire SB, Ramsay A.PLoS Med. 2011 Jul;8(7):e1000443. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000443. Epub 2011 Jul 12. PMID: 21765808
- . Rotavirus and norovirus infections in children in Sana’a, Yemen. Kirby A, Al-Eryani A, Al-Sonboli N, Hafiz T, Beyer M, Al-Aghbari N, Al-Moheri N, Dove W, Cunliffe NA, Cuevas LE. Trop Med Int Health. 2011 Jun;16(6):680-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02756.x. Epub 2011 Mar 9. PMID: 21392189
- Sharing experiences and dilemmas of conducting focus group discussions on HIV and tuberculosis in resource-poor settings. Theobald S, Nyirenda L, Tulloch O, Makwiza I, Soonthorndhada A, Tolhurst R, Bongololo G, Sanou A, Katjire M, Kilonzo N, Yan F, Al-Aghbari N, Al-Sonboli N, Cuevas RA, Fergusson P. Int Health. 2011 Mar;3(1):7-14. doi: 10.1016/j.inhe.2010.09.006. PMID: 24038045
- Characteristics of hearing impairment in Yemeni children with chronic suppurative otitis media: a case-control study. Elemraid MA, Brabin BJ, Fraser WD, Harper G, Faragher B, Atef Z, Al-Aghbari N, Mackenzie IJ. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Mar;74(3):283-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2009.12.004. Epub 2009 Dec 29. PMID: 200422411
- . Multiple sampling in one day to optimize smear microscopy in children with tuberculosis in Yemen. Al-Aghbari N, Al-Sonboli N, Yassin MA, Coulter JB, Atef Z, Al-Eryani A, Cuevas LE. PLoS One. 2009;4(4):e5140. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005140. Epub 2009 Apr 9. PMID: 19357770
- Front-loading sputum microscopy services: an opportunity to optimise smear-based case detection of tuberculosis in high prevalence countries. Ramsay A, Yassin MA, Cambanis A, Hirao S, Almotawa A, Gammo M, Lawson L, Arbide I, Al-Aghbari N, Al-Sonboli N, Sherchand JB, Gauchan P, Cuevas LE. J Trop Med. 2009;2009:398767. doi: 10.1155/2009/398767. Epub 2009 Mar 15. PMID: 20309419
- Human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus disease in children, Yemen. Al-Sonboli N, Hart CA, Al-Aghbari N, Al-Ansi A, Ashoor O, Cuevas LE. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006 Sep;12(9):1437-9. PMID: 17073098
- Respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus in children with acute respiratory infections in Yemen. Al-Sonboli N, Hart CA, Al-Aeryani A, Banajeh SM, Al-Aghbari N, Dove W, Cuevas LE. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2005 Aug;24(8):734-6. PMID: 1609423
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