Public PhD Viva-Voice Examination of Ms. Aisha Abdullah Lutf Alatab
The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the PhD Dissertation hereto entitled: ” The Effect of TPACK Program in Teaching Chemistry for the Development of Self Regulated Learning Skills and Reflective and Future Thinking Skills Among Oustanding Students in Alamana”, submitted by Ms. Aisha Abdullah Lutf Alatab Department of Science (Curricula and Methods of Teaching Science) , Faculty of Education –Sana’a, was held on ……., …/0../1446 Hijri corresponding to …/…/2024. The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Prof. Abdullah Hassan Abdulrab | External examiner | Ibb University | Chair |
2 | Assoc. Prof. Khalid Ali Abdo Alashmouri | Internal Examiner | Sana’a University | Member |
3 | Assoc. Prof. Abdullah Othman Alhamadi | Main Supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
The study aimed at:-
The study aimed at finding out the effect of TPACK program in teaching chemistry for the development of self-regulated learning skills and reflective thinking and future skills among academically outstanding students in Alamana.
The study concluded that the there was a high effect for TPACK program in teaching chemistry for the development of self-regulated learning skills and reflective thinking and future skills among academically outstanding students in Alamana.
Many recommendations were suggested as: benefiting from the learning program based on TRACK model by conducting training workshops to train teachers on this model in learning. Another recommendation was suggested: paying attention to self-regulated learning skills and reflective thinking and future skills and employing them more in school curriculum.
A number of academics, the department head, some researchers, students, interested people, and a number of the candidates’ colleagues and family members attended the viva.
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