Doctorate for Researcher Ibrahim Taher Ali from the Center of Business Administration

Researcher Ibrahim Taher Ali Ghanem got a PhD in Philosophy of Business Administration from the Center of Business Administration for Graduate Studies (CBA), Sana’a University, for his thesis entitled “The Role of Transformational Leadership in Achieving Outstanding Performance under Organizational Culture as an Intervening Variable: An Applied Study on the Telecommunications Sector in the Republic of Yemen”.
The Viva took place on Sunday, 26 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446 AH, corresponding to September 29, 2024 AD.
The discussion and judgment committee consisted of the following professors:
* Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Razzaq Muhammad Al-Marani, Internal Examiner, Sana’a University
* Professor Dr. Jamal Darham Zaid, External Examiner, University of Science and Technology
* Professor Dr. Sinan Ghaleb Al-Marhadhi, Supervisor, Sana’a University.
The study aimed to:
* Determine the role of transformational leadership in its dimensions (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individual considerations, empowerment) in achieving outstanding performance through organizational culture as an intervening variable in the telecommunications sector in the Republic of Yemen.
* Identify the level of practice of transformational leadership in its dimensions in the Yemeni telecommunications sector.
* Identify the reality of organizational culture and outstanding performance in the Yemeni telecommunications sector.
The study came out to a number of results, the most important of which were:
* The level of availability of transformational leadership dimensions in the telecommunications sector in Yemen was generally high, with an average of (3.70) and a standard deviation of (0.786). The dimensions of transformational leadership were arranged in descending order as follows: idealized influence in the first place, followed by intellectual stimulation, then empowerment, then inspirational motivation, and finally individual considerations, and all dimensions recorded high degrees.
* The level of availability of organizational culture dimensions in the telecommunications sector in Yemen was generally high, with an average of (3.70) and a standard deviation of (0.767). The dimensions of organizational culture were arranged in descending order as follows: organizational values in the first place, followed by organizational beliefs, then organizational norms, and finally organizational expectations.
* Regarding the reality of outstanding performance in the telecommunications sector in Yemen, it was relatively high, with an average of (3.62) and a standard deviation of (0.724). The dimensions of outstanding performance were arranged in descending order as follows: service excellence in the first place, followed by operational excellence, then human resources excellence, and finally organizational excellence, and all dimensions were relatively high.
* It was revealed that there is a statistically significant positive effect of transformational leadership on outstanding performance, where the coefficient of determination R2 reached (0.278) and the coefficient of influence beta (0.527).
* There was also a strong positive effect of transformational leadership on organizational culture, where the coefficient of determination R2 reached (0.815) and the coefficient of influence beta (0.903).
* There is a positive effect of organizational culture on outstanding performance, where the coefficient of determination R2 reached (0.362) and the coefficient of influence beta (0.601).
* Finally, a quantitative model with good matching indicators was reached that expresses the role of transformational leadership on outstanding performance through organizational culture and with full mediation of organizational culture.
The most important recommendations by the researcher are:
* The importance of enhancing reliance on the transformational leadership style requires ensuring the availability of transformational leadership behaviors and elements among administrative leaders, given their effective role in enhancing the prevailing organizational culture, which contributes to achieving the required outstanding performance in the telecommunications sector in Yemen.
* Focus on strengthening and developing the current organizational culture through the positive practices carried out by administrative leaders in this sector.
Furthermore, attention must be paid to high-performance standards to ensure the continuation of providing distinguished services and achieving a good level in operational processes and organizational procedures.
Focus should be placed on developing the capabilities of human resources to develop institutional work, which enhances the sector’s distinction in the highly competitive telecommunications market.
A number of academics, researchers, interested parties, the researcher’s colleagues, and family members attended the discussion.
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