
Yahya Yahya Mohamed Almutawakel

Professor in the Department of  Economics & Finance



1988 – 92

University of East Anglia, Norwich – England.

Ph.D. in Economics.

Thesis: “Import Substitution as an Industrial Strategy in the Yemen Arab Republic”.

Specialization: industrial economics, international trade.



1985 – 86


University of Maryland – College Park, Maryland – U.S.A.

M.A. in economics.

Thesis: “Yemen Arab Republic: An Economy in Transition”.

Specialization: economic theory, economic development.


1978 – 82


Sana’a University, Sana’a – Yemen.

B.A. in economics & political science.

Experience (professional employment):

1) Government posts:

April 2007 – January 2011

August 2005 – April 2007

June 2003 – August 2005


Minister of Industry & Trade

Vice Minister of Planning & International Cooperation

Advisor to the Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation, and Acting Vice Minister.

January 2000 – June 2003 Poverty Expert and Head of the Poverty Reduction follow up & Monitoring Unit.
May ‏ 2000 – December 2002


Sep. 1982 – August 1983

2) Academia:

Planning Expert for the Five-Year National Development Plan and the Poverty Reduction Strategy, Ministry of Planning and Development.

Accountant, Department of Finance – Higher Committee for National Defense as part of the National Military Service.


May 2006 Professor of economics – Department of Economics
September ‏1998‏ Associate Professor
September 1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics – Sana’a University.
April 1995

to September 1996


Founding Dean, Faculty of Business & Economics – University of Yemen.


February 1987 – Oct. 1988 Instructor of economics, Department of economics – Sana’a University.
September 1983 – Dec. 1984 Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics – Sana’a University.
International Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
December 1986 Washington International Centre, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Topic: “ Progressive Strategies in Urban Development”.


14 – 21 January 1995


Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg – Austria.

Topic: “ Transitioning Economies: Comparative Models”.


13-22 October 1996


KID Regional Workshop, Seoul – Korea.

Topic: “ Industrial Policies and Strategies: the Experience of the Republic of Korean and its Relevance to the MENA Countries”.

November 1996 International Economic Conference, Cairo – Egypt.

Topic: General.


December 1996


World Bank Seminar on Privatization, Willington – New Zealand.

Topic: “New Zealand’s Experience in Privatization”.


16-27 June 1997


Intrados Seminar, Washington D.C. – U.S.A.

Topic: “Corporate Restructuring and Privatization in Emerging Economies: Turnaround Strategies and Divesture Techniques”.


1-4 April 1998


Center for Arab Gulf Studies, University of Exeter – England.

Topic: “Yemen: The Challenges of Social, Economic and Democratic Development”.


28-30 Sep. 1998



Middle East Infrastructure Development Company (MEIDC – Dubai, UAE)

Topic: “First Yemeni Oil and Gas Conference”, Sana’a – Yemen.


3-4 Feb. 1999


Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, Cairo – Egypt.

Topic: “Egypt: Growth after Stabilization”.


6-7 Nov. 1999


Arab Regional Forum, Cairo – Egypt.

Topic: “Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Industrial Sector to Meet the Challenges of Globalization”.


29 Nov. – 3 Dec. 1999


UNIDO‘s Forum, Vienna- Austria.

Topic: “Industrial Development”.


2-4 Sep. 2000



GTZ’s Training workshop, Sana’a – Yemen.

Topic: “New Think tools”.


March 2000


ESCWA Expert Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon.

Topic: “Arab Labor Emigration and its Economic Impact”.


14-17 Jan. 2001


ESCWA Expert Meeting, Amman – Jordan.

Topic: “Industrial Strategies in the Arab States”.

 9-12 Sep. 2003  

World Bank Forum for Middle East & North Africa, Marseilles – France.

Topic: “Knowledge for Development”.

 3-5 Feb. 2003  

European UNION Conference, Athens – Greece.

Topic: “Role of the Euro in the World Economy, the MED & Gulf Countries”.


17-19 Feb. 2003


UNDP Workshop on National Human Development Reports for the Arab States, Cairo – Egypt.

Topic: Achieving Excellence in NHDRs”

 24-26 Feb. 2003  

Arab League Forum, Cairo – Egypt.

Topic: “Human Development in the Arab Countries“.


25-27 May 2004


World Bank Conference, Shanghai – China.

Topic: “Scaling up poverty Reduction”.

* Participation in various events post the above date were related to my government responsibilities.

Research papers & consultancy:


January 1995


“Republic of Yemen: An Economy in Transition”; a paper presented to Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg – Austria.


May 1995


“ Protection Policies and Import Substitution in the Republic of Yemen”; a paper presented to the First Yemeni Economic Conference, Sana’a – Yemen.


October 1996


“ Industrial Policies and Strategies in the Republic of Yemen”; a paper presented to the Regional Workshop on Industrial Policies & Strategies, Seoul – Korea.


January 1997


“ Yemeni Unification: Economic Prospects”; a paper presented to a visiting Team from Drew University (U.S.A.), Sana’a – Yemen.


June 1997


“ Economic Reform and the Privatization Program in Yemen”; a paper presented to the Intrados Seminar, Washington D.C. – U.S.A.

 July 1997  

The Manufacturing Sector: Policies Envisaged”; a paper presented to the seminar on the results of the 1996 Manufacturing Survey, Sana’a – Yemen.


April 1998


The ROY: the Economic Situation and the Manufacturing Sector”; a paper presented to the International Conference on Yemen, University of Exeter, England.

April 1998

Economic Reforms and the Domestic Resource Gap”; a paper presented to the Second Yemeni Economic Conference, Sana’a – Yemen.


September 1998


“ Investment, Economic Reform and Privatization in ROY”; a paper presented to the First Yemeni Oil and Gas Conference, Sana’a , Yemen.

November 1998


“ The Industrial Strategy in Yemen”; a paper presented to the Third Businessmen Conference, Aden, Yemen.


April 1999


“ Yemeni Labor Remittances in Light of Regional and International Economic Developments”, a paper presented to the Immigrants’ Seminar, Sana’a, Yemen.


October 2000


Industrial Competitiveness in Yemen”, a paper presented to the Fifth Academic Conference of the Faculty of Commerce & Economics, Sana’a University, Yemen.

 February 2003  

“ National Human Development Reports in Yemen”, a paper presented to the first Arab Forum on Human Development, the Arab League –Cairo.


May 2004


“Yemen’s Poverty Reduction Strategy: Modality and Process”, a paper presented to the World Bank Conference on Scaling up poverty Reduction, Shanghai – China.


April 2005


” The Economic, Financial and Administrative Reform Program and Future of Investments in Yemen”, a paper presented to the World Bank’s Roundtable on Growth, Labor, and Social Development, Sana’a – Yemen.

1987 – 88 Appraisal studies for the Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation (Kuwait) relating to YEMENIA and Mareb Poultry Company.

1989 – 90

Fieldwork survey of 40 large-scale industrial enterprises in Sana’a, Taiz, and Alhodeidah; funded by the British Council and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry.

May – October 1993


Participated in a Fieldwork study on the state of Children in Yemen covering six governorates; funded by Rada Barnan & Yemen Times.


March 1994


Participated with a World Bank mission in evaluating the protection system in Yemen as an input to draw the reform program.


December 1996


Participated in a team to study options for redundant labor in some industrial firms in Aden; funded by UNIDO.


February – August 1997


Co-organized fieldwork surveys covering all 17 governorates on decentralizing education expenditure at the governorate level; a World Bank project.


July – November 1997


Consultant for preparing UNICEF’s “State of Children and Women in Yemen”, UNICEF, Sana’a – Yemen.


Oct. – Dec. 1997


National expert for the privatization program in Yemen (UNIDO).


August 97- June 98


Team Leader to prepare the Industrial strategy for the Yemeni Government.

November 97 – September 98


Team leader to prepare the first “Yemeni Human Development Report 1998”; a UNDP project, Sana’a –Yemen.


July – August 1998


Consultant for a World Bank mission on Public Expenditure Review (Education Sector).

January – June 1999



Participated in studying and preparing for transferring the Small Enterprise Development Unit to a shareholding company.


June 1999


National consultant for evaluating the Implementation of the First Five-Year Plan, UNDP – Sana’a.

July 1999


National consultant for assessment of National Anti-Poverty Programme in the Republic of Yemen, UNDP – Sana’a.

May – October 1999

Consultant to participate in preparing the Human Development Strategy in Yemen, MOPD, Sana’a.

January- February  2000

Consultant for the World Bank to study the competitiveness of the Industrial sector in Yemen.                    


July-Sep. 2000

Consultant for the UNDP to prepare the Country Common Assessment (CCA).

October 2000- April 2002

Team leader for the Second National Human Development Report on “the Civil Society in Yemen”.
July 2001 – March 2003 Consultant and team leader to undertake a study on the 20/20 Initiative on Basic Social Services in Yemen (UNDP project).
Publications & Studies
– “The state of Children in Yemen: a comprehensive Study”, Co-editor, UNICEF, Radda Barnan & Yemen Times project, 1993.
– “Juveniles in Yemen”, a chapter of a comprehensive study on “The state of Children in Yemen”, UNICEF, Radda Barnan & Yemen Times project, 1993.
– “ Islamic Economics: Concept and Vision”, course material for 3rd year students in the department of economics, 1994.
– “ Import Substitution versus Export Promotion: An Evaluation”, Journal of the Faculty of Commerce and Economics – Sana’a University, 1994.
– “ Republic of Yemen: An Economy in Transition”; papers and proceedings of Salzburg Seminar on Transitioning Economies: Comparative Models, 1995.
– “Protection Policies and Import Substitution in the Republic of Yemen”; papers and proceedings of the First Yemeni Economic Conference (Althawabit Book, No. 4. 1995).
– “ Policy Alternatives and the Manufacturing Sector in the ROY”; Journal of Social Studies – University of Science & Technology  vol. 1, No. 1, Jan – June 1996.
– “ Industrial Policies and Strategies in the Republic of Yemen”; papers and proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Industrial Policies & Strategies, Seoul – Korea, 1996.
– “ The Manufacturing Sector: Policies Envisaged”; papers and proceedings of the seminar on the results of the 1996 Manufacturing Survey, MOI & CSO, Sana’a – Yemen, 1997.
– “ Decentralization and Education Expenditures in Yemen”, co-author, World Bank – Sana’a, May 1997.
–  “ Decentralization and Education Expenditures in Yemen: Financial and Economic Analysis”, co-author, World Bank – Sana’a, September 1997.
– “Decentralization and People’s Participation: Convergence of Interventions with Geographical Focus”, a background paper for “Situation Analysis for Children and Women in the Republic of Yemen”, UNICEF, Sana’a – Yemen, November 1997.
–  “The Landscape, the Demographic Profile, and the Influence of Geophysical and Ecological Diversity on Settlement Patterns and Service Delivery”, a background paper for “Situation Analysis for Children and Women in the Republic of Yemen”, UNICEF, Sana’a , November 1997.
– “Macroeconomic Overview and Poverty”, a background paper for “Situation   Analysis for Children and Women in the Republic of Yemen”, co-author, UNICEF, Sana’a – Yemen, November 1997.
–  “UN and Other Donor Assistance: Implications for Children and Women”, a background paper “Situation Analysis for Children and Women in the Republic of Yemen”, UNICEF, Sana’a – Yemen, November 1997.
– “ Economic Reforms and the Domestic Resource Gap”; papers and proceedings of the Second Yemeni Economic Conference, Athawabit, Sana’a – Yemen 1999.
– “ Yemen’s Human Development Report 1998”, Editor of the first National Human Development Report, UNDP – Sana’a 1999.
– “Yemeni Labor Remittances in Light of Regional and International Economic Developments”, papers and proceedings of the Immigrants’ Seminar, Sana’a – Yemen, April 1999.
– “The Role of the State”, a background paper for a study undertaken by Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform, January 2000, Sana’a.
– “Industrial Competitiveness in Yemen”, a study submitted to the World Bank Mission – Sana’a, March 1997.
“Fiscal Policy and the Reform Program”, a paper prepared for the Economic Conference on Reforms, Sana’a – November 2000.
“ Civil Society in Yemen”, editor of the Second National Human Development Report, UNDP – Sana’a 2001.
– “ The 20/20 Initiative on Basic Social Services in Yemen”, editor, UNDP – Sana’a 2003.
 – “The Yemeni Economy: An Outward Oriented Approach”, a paper prepared for the third Economic Conference organized by the Economic Committee of the General Peoples’ Congress to take place in Sana’a.
–  “ Local Authority in the Second Five-Year Plan and the Poverty Reduction Strategy”, a paper prepared for the National Conference on Supporting Decentralization and the Development Role of Local Authority to take place in Sana’a