Essam Yahya Abdullwahab Al-Shamahi
Assistant Professor
Personal Information:
Name: Essam Yahya Abdullwahab Al-Shamahi
Date of birth: 26/9/1967.
Email: essam.Al-Shamahi@su.edu.ye
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
Title: Head of ophthalmology department, Sana a university, Yemen, member of Yemeni ophthalmology boards
Subspecialty: Vitreoretinal surgeon
Place of work: Sana a University, Ophthalmology Department
- MBBCH degree: 1993, Cairo university, Egypt
- MASTER degree: 1999, Cairo university, Egypt
- MD degree: 2006, Cairo university, Egypt
- 2007 – 2010 in Al-Thawra hospital, Ophthalmology department ,Sana a, Yemen
- Al-Thawra hospital is the main referral hospital in Yemen
- 2010 – 2019, Head of ophthalmology department in Al-Thawra hospital, Yemen
- 2019 till now head of ophthalmology department in Sana a university, Yemen
Conferences and Workshops:
- Egyptian Ophthalmologic Society`s Annual spring meetings,from1994 to 2009, Egypt
- The third Yemeni Ophthalmic Society Conference,18-19 July 2007 , Taj Sheba Hotel, Sana`a, Yemen
- January 17- 20 -2013: Attended 28th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress, held in conjunction with 71st Annual Conference of ALL INDIA OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOCIATY Hyderabad Inda
- ESCRS CONFERENCE, 5-9 October 2013, Amsterdam, Holland
- Cataract Surgery Sceitific Day and Ophthalmic Situation Analysis Results. 23 Jan 2014, Taj Sheba Hotel, Sana`a, Yemen,
- WORLD SIGHT DAY, 12 October 2017, Albustan Hotel, Sana`a, Yemen
- The 4th Conference of Yemen Ophthalmologic Society, 3rd&4th of May 2018,
- Al bustan Hotel, Sana`a, Yemen
- The fifth Yemeni Ophthalmic Society Conference,15-17 September 2021 , Grand address Hotel, Sana`a, Yemen
Research and scientific papers:
- Alshamahi E, Labib T, Al Sada M, Mohamed Y. Filtering bleb failure after glaucoma filtering surgery. Faculty of medicine, Cairo university, 1999
- Al shamahi E, Mohammed I, Nasr H, Khattab A. Intravitreal injection of crystalline cortisone as adjunctive treatment of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Faculty of medicine, Cairo university, 2006
- Al Shamahi E, Al Shami H, al Shamahy H, Mosawe A.Bacterial causes and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of external ocular infections in selected ophthalmology clinics in sana’a city. Universal journal of pharmaceutical research 2020; 5(3):12-16
- Al Shamahi E, Ishak A, Al Jayfey N, Al Shamahi H. Prevalence and risk factors for trachoma among primary school children in bajjil district, al Hudaydah, western. Yemen. The clinical ophthalmologist journal 2020 | volume 1 | article 1014
- Al Shamahi E, Al Shami H, Al Shamahi H. Prevalence of staphylococcus aureus in external ocular infection and the occurrence of mrsa in isolates. The clinical ophthalmologist journal 2020 | volume 2 | article 1010
- Al Shamahi E, Al Shamahy H. Comparison between limbal and combined limbal and pars plana approaches using vitrectomy to remove congenital cataracts with primary intraocular lens implantation In Yemen . Clinics of surgery 2021; 4(8): 1-7
- Al Shamahi E, Al Eryani S, Jaadan B, Al Shamahy H, et al. The national campaign for the mass treatment of trachoma: monitoring coverage and practices of mass drug administration (mda) in Yemen- follow-up study. Universal journal of pharmaceutical research 2021; 6(2):1-7
- Al Eryani S, Al Shamahi E, Al Shamahy H, et al. Bacterial conjunctivitis of adults: causes and ophthalmic antibiotic resistance patterns for the common bacterial isolates universal journal of pharmaceutical research 2021; 6(1):25-28
- Al Shamahi E, Ishak A, Aljayfey N, Al Shamahy H. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Trachoma among Primary School Children in Bajjil District, Al Hudaydah, Western Yemen.The Clinical Ophthalmologist Journal 2020;1: 67- 71