Sameha Abdul-Rahman AL-Eryani
Associate Professor
Personal Infotmation :
- Name :Sameha Abdul-Rahman AL-Eryani
- Associated Prof of Ophthalmology Sana’a University
- Mobil : 772139245
- Email: s.al-eryani@su.edu.ye
- MBBS : In general medicine and surgery from Sana’a University .
- Msc : degree in the field of ophthalmic surgery and medicine from Cairo University .
- MD : degree in the field of ophthalmologic surgery and medicine from Khartoum University .
- Course in Ophthalmic ultrasonography in Egyptian medical syndicate , continued medical Education committee
- All courses of the America Language Institute .
- 2005 : working in the national program for the prevention of blindness –Ministry of health , Republic of Yemen .
- 2010 up to now : Working in the ophthalmic department at Althowra hospital and ass.prof of ophthalmology in the faculty of medicine ( Sana’a university ) .
- 2007 : working at Makkah Eye complex Khartoum .
- 2002 – 2007 : Worked in the ophthalmic department at Althaowra hospital and lecturer of ophthalmology in the faculty of medicine ( Sana’a 1`university
- 1999 -2002 : Training and working in the ophthalmic department at AlkasserAlayni hospital in Cairo .
- 1993- 1998 : Working as a general practitioner in Althowra hospital and Sana’a University .
Conference attendance :
- 1-3 March , 2000 : Attending the 96th Annual meeting of ophthalmological society of Egypt .
- 11-13 October , 2003 : Attending the first Yemeni ophthalmic Society conference in coordination with the science conference .
- 11 – 13 October 2004 : Attending the first national symposium on prevention of blindness in coordination with the science conference .
- 6 – 8 September , 2004 : Attending the national workshop vision 2020 Yemen organized by world health organization , International agency for prevention of blindness , the national program for prevention of blindness – Ministry of health . Republic of Yemen , London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine , UK and Pakistan institute of community ophthalmology .
- 15 – 19 Augest , 2005 : Attending the national vision 2020 planning workshop.
- 5 – 8 April , 2006 : Attending the 3rd international conference of the Royal Medical services in collaboration with the Royal college of physicians of London .
- 2nd d March , 2006 : Attending the conference of the Magraibi Hospitals and centers .
- 6 – 3 March,2006 : Attending the 13th congress of the union of the Arab Pediatric Societies .
- 29 March – 1 April 2007 : Attending the 1x international congress of the Middle East African Council of Ophthalmology .
- 16 May ,2013 : Attending premium intraocular lens symposium .
- 5-9 October 2013 : Attending ESCRS xxxI Congress Amsterdam .
– 2-4 march , 2014 : Attending the 1st communication skills training workshop program .
- 2nd August,2014 : Attending the international day of prevention of blindness in Yemen .
- 30 – 31 May- 2014 : Attended 22nd Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Ophthalmological Society .
- 17th- 2016 : Attended diabetes and eye symposium of Yemeni diabetes association .
- 12th –October 2017 :Attended the scientific program of the world Sight Day Sana’a-Yemen .
- 14- march 2019 : Attended The Glaucoma Scientific Day Sana’a-Yemen .
- 15-17 September 2021 . Attending Yemeni ophthalmic society conference .
- 13 – 16 December 2021 Attended the 4th Scientific conference of military cardiac center and 4th Yemeni cardiac imaging conference .
- 10 – 12 Feb 2022 Attended the 7th ALQassimi Ophthalmic international conference – QOIC .
- Ocular changes which can occur as a result of contact lenses use .
- Factors Affecting the Outcome of External Dacryocystorhinostomy in
Al-Thawra Hospital in Sana’a – Yemen.
Scientific papers :
- Risk Factors for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment in Yemen .
- Prevalence and Risk Factors for Trachoma Among Primary School Children in Sana’a City Yemen .
- Bacterial Conjunctivitis of Adults : Causes and Ophthalmic Antibiotic Resistance Patterns for the Bacterial Isolates .
- Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients using insulin in versus to those using oral hypoglycemic agents .