Thursday Safar 25th, 1446H, August 29th, 2024, the candidate/ Husain Mohammed Abdallah Sayem AL-DAHRE obtained the Master degree in Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics with an Excellent average, Major: Clinical Orthodontology

Thursday Safar 25th, 1446H, August 29th, 2024, the candidate/ Husain Mohammed Abdallah Sayem AL-DAHRE obtained the Master degree in Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics with an Excellent average, Major: Clinical Orthodontology from the Department of Orthodontics, Paedodotology and Conservative Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Sanaa University, for his dissertation entitled: Soft Tissue Profile Changes in Orthodontic Patients Treated by Extraction and Non-Extraction Treatment: A Cephalometric Study. The discussing committee was formed of: Assistant Professor Ramy Abdel-Rahman Issehaq, Principle Supervisor and Committee Examiner, Associated Professor Abdel-Haq Husain AL-HASANY, External Examiner and Committee Head, and Associated Professor Naela Mohammed AL-MOJAHED, Internal Examiner. The dissertation aims at evaluating and comparing the soft tissue and skeletal changes in orthodontic patients treated by non-extraction and premolar extraction with fixed orthodontic appliances.
The study comes out with some results, of which there exists no significant changes between non-extraction and premolar extraction groups in soft tissue and skeletal outcomes amongst study groups except in some cases.
The researcher presents a number of recommendations at the end of this dissertation, of which the need for adopting some future studies using CBCT in evaluating cases treated with extraction and non-extraction.
Attendees of the discussion session were a number of academics, researchers, interested students in the field, the researcher’s colleagues and some of family members.
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