The candidate researcher/ Hani Shamsan Ali Ahmed Obtained the Master degree with an Excellent average in the major of Clinical Orthodontics

Monday, Rajab 6th 1446H, January 6th, 2024, the candidate researcher/ Hani Shamsan Ali Ahmed Obtained the Master degree with an Excellent average in the major of Clinical Orthodontics from the Department of Orthodontics, Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Sanaa University,
For her Master’s thesis entitled:
Prevalence and Etiology of Maxillary Midline Diastema
Among Yemeni University Students in Hodaidah City
The examining committee consisted of:
- Associate Professor Dr. Khaled AL-ADDAD, Principle Supervisor
Committee Member,
- Associate Professor Dr. Naela AL-MUJAHED, Internal Examiner
Head of Committee, and
- Associate Professor Dr. Khaled AL-DHORAEE, External Examiner
Committee Member.
The study aims at evaluating the prevalence and etiology of Maxillary Midline Diastema among Yemeni University Students in Hodaidah City.
The study comes out with some results as follows: Participants show Maxillary Midline Diastema with 15.9%, a bit higher by male than female. Highly frenum attachment, followed by generalized spaces are the most causes of maxillary midline diastema among assessed participants.
The researcher presents a number of recommendations at the end of this Master’s thesis, of which: Early observation and intervention leads to a positive result spacing treatment. Mobilization amongst people is essential so as to help good plan treatment.
Attendees of the viva session were a number of academics, researchers, students of the major, the researcher’s colleagues and some of family members.
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